Page 24 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 24

Reflections on the 2022 AASBO Vendor/Buyer Conference


        procurement        workshops        virtually     for   communication opportunities will benefit
        Business Associate Members (BAM).  Next,  vendors and ultimately the school districts
        we will be developing a “BAM  Advisory  which they serve. I encourage vendors to
        Committee” so that I, as your  Vendor  contact me via email if you are interested in
        Representative,  may receive  more  relevant  any of the programs outlined above.
        feedback and better represent the vendors
        I serve. I want to address the issues that
        are most important to you. Finally, we are              Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
        creating a “BAM On–Boarding Committee”                  and Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group,
        that will mentor new BAMs and assist them  recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016
        in learning all the opportunities available to  NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He serves
        AASBO BAMs.                                             as Vendor Representative on the AASBO Board of Directors
                                                                and provides consultation on public procurement matters for
        The approaches outlined above should  school districts and vendors across the state of Arizona and
        enhance member experience for our BAMs                  across the country. He may be reached at:
        and increase the knowledge base of our
        vendors. At the same time, these learning and

        24                                                                               THE EDGE   SPRING 2022
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