Page 12 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 12

Market Conditions Can Lead to Supplemental Contracts


        or similar materials or services to more than one bidder  supplemental can’t change specifications or evaluations.
        or offeror. In general, districts should not use multiple  They must be the same, but they can include addendums
        awards  allowing  more  than  one  vendor  to  supply  the  previously included.”
        same goods or service. However, there are instances in
        which districts may make multiple awards.”             A  tip  to  avoid  confusion  involves  the  numbering  of  a
                                                               supplemental. If possible, use a reference number to the
        Nothing in statutes, rules or the USFR appear to prohibit  original  contract  if  the  supplemental  is  issued  in  same
        making multiple awards via multiple bids, but you must  fiscal year. For example, just add S1 to the supplemental,
        comply with the multiple award requirements within the  indicating  it  is  the  first  supplemental.  “That  will  cut
        USFR.                                                  down on vendor confusion,” Hostetler said.

        “What  factors  should  be  considered  before  you  even  Another  best  practice  is  to  have  the  original  contract
        think about issuing a supplemental bid?” Hostetler said.  and the supplemental run concurrently and expire on the
        She  emphasized  documentation.  Document  criteria  for  same date of the same year.
        multiple awards – what do you need and why are you
        going out to bid? Document the thought process. Include  Barkman closed with a sage piece of advice: “You can’t
        data  to  justify  the  contract  need.  Include  letters  from  help what you can’t help. Only worry about things you
        suppliers and deficiency documentation.                can control. You can’t control everything.”

        Barkman re-emphasized: “If you’re not using the same  Gary Barkman can be reached at:
        specifications,  you’re  looking  at  a  new  solicitation. A  Cindi Hostetler can be reached at:

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             The information provided here is for general informational purposes only. Horace Mann is solely responsible for the
             information contained in the ASRS presentation. Neither Horace Mann nor its representatives are in any way affiliated
             with ASRS. You should consult with your tax and other advisors for guidance as to your specific situation. AASBO has
             agreements with Horace Mann and affiliates where Horace Mann pays AASBO to provide various services that are aimed
             at familiarizing AASBO members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services.
             AM-C04546AASBO (Jan. 21)

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