Page 9 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 9

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        Hink of Pueblo Mechanical insists on cameras – visible
        communication. “I probably get more now looking at you
        on camera than I would just staring at you in person, or
        having to spin around the room to observe everybody’s
        body  language,”  Hink  said.  “Our  communication  has   home.  Getting  everybody  online  took  some  time.  The
        increased.”                                            more my home desk was like my work desk, the more
                                                               efficient I was.”
        If  he  wants  a  one-on-one  conversation,  he  calls  that
        person. “We have time for a personal response,” Hink   A  problem  with  accessing  information  would  occur
        said. “We’re both at home. There is better communication   when  an  essential  employee  was  out  with  COVID-19
        on a personal level. What’s happening is more than just   or for bereavement, Turner of Paloma said. “There are
        shop  talk.  Now  we  are  interacting  –  with  family  and   times  when  people  step  away  from  their  jobs,  and  we
        animals in background. It’s more meaningful.”          have been more patient,” she said.
                                                               Hamilton  and  Thomason  emphasized  how  important,
        Regarding the most effective way to stay connected with   under these stressful times, it is for everyone to take a
        colleagues  when  working  remotely,  Hamilton  of  Mesa   break now and then.
        touted  Webex  Teams.  She  said  Mesa  has  27  different
        teams, including one for purchasing, for leadership and   “Get  outside,”  Thomason  said.  “Summer  will  be  here
        directors. “When we went virtual, we had a coronavirus   soon. We all know our limits. Take some time for yourself.
        team,” Hamilton said. “Rather than having to do an email   It’s incredibly important give breaks to ourselves.”
        to a group, now it’s just this constant real time chat. My
        email is old news, old technology It’s like virtual text   Michelle Hamilton, Mesa Public Schools
        messaging.“                                            Lari Staples, Dysart Unified School District

                                                               Jeff Thomason, Roosevelt School District
        On keeping organized at home, Staples of Dysart said,
        “We all came back for our office chair. A bar stool did   Kristin Turner, Paloma Elementary School District  kturner@
        not last long. I checked out my chair. We try to mimic
        our work environment as much as possible. A lot of files   Chuck Hink, Pueblo Mechanical
        are online, so we didn’t need to bring a lot paper files   Michael Baer, Sunland Asphalt

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