Page 7 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 7

"If you don't know where you are                       vendor  product  showcase  webinars,  virtual
                                                               one-on-one appointments, a scavenger hunt,
        going, any road will get you there."
                                                               booth  prize  drawings,  and,  of  course,  an
                                                                array of interesting and informative breakout
                                                                sessions. To wrap it up, there will be legal
                                                                and legislative updates and the annual Best
                                                                Practices awards.

                                                                And if that’s not exciting enough, get ready
                                                                for some great news about AASBO’s Annual
                                                                Summer  Conference  and  Expo  July  21-24.
                                                                We are planning on returning to an in-person
                                                                event! It will be at the J W Marriott Starr Pass
                                                                Resort and Spa in Tucson. Of course, we will
                                                                follow guidelines established by the Centers
                                                                for Disease Control and Prevention. The last
                                                                time I checked, the CDC has nothing against
                                                                having a little fun. See you there!

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           At Schneider Electric, our mission is simple: to
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           and maximizing student engagement. Contact us
           today to learn how we can enable you to achieve              • Modernize the learning environment
           your District’s goals.                                       • STEM/student engagement
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                                  • Campus and network safety/security

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