Page 10 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 10
Gary Barkman Cindi Hostetler
Market Conditions Can Lead to Supplemental Contracts
In uncertain times when the demands are greater than the A factor to consider, according to Hostetler, is whether
supply, school districts may often be faced with issuing a there is a better way to satisfy the district’s needs.
new contract or a supplemental. “Maybe you need to reach out to your vendors in a
specific category,” she said.
It basically comes down to whether specific changes
are made to the original contract. If not, a supplemental Another factor: Does it make sense to allow your current
is OK. That’s the advice offered by Gary Barkman, contract to expire and simply re-bid? “That depends
Procurement Specialist Supervisor, Mesa Unified School on where you are in the life cycle of your contract”
District, and Cindi Hostetler, Senior Buyer, Tempe Union Hostetler said. “Is it better to rebid the entire project or
High School District, in a virtual presentation during does it make more sense to issue a supplemental?”
AASBO’s Vendor/Buyer Conference on February 9.
Barkman said if you’re in the first few years of a
“You can’t help what you can’t contract, issuing a supplemental may be an option. If
it’s the fourth year, that becomes “iffy,” he said, adding,
help. Only worry about things “In year five, no way I would do a supplemental.”
you can control. You can’t control
Hostetler identified possible issues: “Was there
everything.” Gary Barkman, Mesa a deficiency in the scope of work that limited
competition? That could make a difference. Are there
Unified School District any market factors contributing to my need? Especially
in a pandemic, a lot of us have had to scramble, with
A supplemental bid is defined as a solicitation issued to vendors we never had a problem with, to find PPE
increase the number of suppliers or vendors available on (Personal Protective Equipment) and Lysol wipes. You
a previously awarded contract. But how do you know if have to take that into consideration. What is going on in
your needs qualify for a supplemental bid? the market? What is causing the issue?”
For example, Hostetler explained: “You have made a Choosing a supplemental contract is an option to
multiple award on a term contract to the least number canceling a contract you have awarded. It can reduce
of suppliers necessary to meet the needs of your district. time and effort for the district and vendors, Hostetler
But as you administer your contract during the contract said.
term, it becomes apparent there is a need for additional
vendors in order to meet the district’s needs.” Barkman said he is opposed to starting over with a new
contract, possibly eliminating vendors who have done
decent work, just so a district can get more vendors on
board. “If you need more vendors,” he said, “do that in
the form of a supplemental.”
There doesn’t appear to be anything in statute or
rules regarding a supplemental. “It seems to be an
undiscovered frontier,” Hostetler said.
She recommended referring to the Uniform System of
Financial Records, which states: “A multiple award is
defined as an award of multiple contracts for identical