Page 6 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 6

                          EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT
                          BY BRIAN MEE
                          BY BRIAN MEE
                          The Importance of Planning

                           e Essence of Leadership
        Brian Mee

           Mark Twain once said, “Really great people
        To  be  successful  leaders,  we  must  plan  our  positive and temper the negative as much as
        make you feel that you too, can be great.” When
        work and then work our plan, as the saying  possible.
        elected as President to the Association of School

        Business O cials International, I was charged
        goes. For school business officials, that means
        with the task to come up with a theme for my
        setting goals; utilizing all our data, resources,  School  business  leaders  must  look  ahead,
        presidency.  e theme I chose was something

        and  knowledge  to  develop  effective  short-          anticipate change, and develop strategies to
        I called, E3 Leadership. “If your actions inspire
        range and long-range plans; and then guiding  successfully steer through the turmoil created
        others to dream more, learn more and become

        those plans through to fruition.
        more, you are a leader”  is quote by John Quincy        by today's economic conditions. Although risk
        Adams captures the essence of  leadership and           and uncertainty are inevitable and no amount
        lays the foundation I would like to focus on
        We know how critical financial planning is. It  of planning can eliminate them, effective
        this year as I share some of the views from my
        establishes the basis for effective leadership  financial  planning  replaces  wildfires  with
        messages as ASBO International President.
        within the district and helps build trust within  controlled  burns.  It  saves  us  from  drifting
           Leadership is one of the most important

        roles for school business o cials – and it is also
        the larger community. It serves as the bench  aimlessly in random directions and steers us
        one of the most challenging responsibilities.
        mark  that  drives  all  managerial  functions  away  from  time-wasting,  money-wasting,
        When it comes to leadership in our jobs, it isn’t
        and  decisions,  and  it  improves  overall  nonproductive activities.
        necessarily something we do, that is, lead. It’s
        organizational  efficiency.  Comprehensive
        who we are – leaders. E3 Leadership – Envision,
        Engage and Empower are essential elements of
        planning  prevents  hasty  judgments  and  Solid planning can direct everyone's energy
        leadership.                                             toward  making  informed  decisions  and
        arbitrary actions.
           Envision: One of the most important traits of
        all great leaders is the ability to have a clear vision   putting into action, plans that help the entire
        There  is  another  saying:  If  you  don't  know  organization meet its strategic goals. As John
        for their organization — a distinct and vibrant
        where you are going, any road will get you  F. Kennedy said, "The time to repair the room
        concept of what the organization should stand
        for and strive for now and in the future.
        there. Planned effort is always more efficient  is when the sun is shining."
           Engage:  Effective leaders engage all the
        than  unplanned  action.  Sound  financial
        stakeholders through collaboration and soliciting
        planning  provides  the  organization  with  And speaking of planning, I hope you have
                                                                   Speaking of excellence, I would like to thank our
        their input, considering their ideas, and taking constructive
        purpose and direction. It provides a balanced  made  plans  to  join  us  on April  7-9  for  the
        criticism regarding the vision and the path toward its  outstanding President Nate Bowler for providing a clear

        realization.  ey weigh the stakeholders’ interests and needs  and positive vision for our recently completed 66th Annual
        approach  to  predefined  purposes,  brings  AASBO  Spring  Conference  As  we  have
        and align them with the vision to achieve the desired result.   Conference and Exposition – Learn from the Past, Go Forward
        together all the activities and resources of the  been doing successfully since the pandemic
           Empower:  One of the most important skills of every  to the Future, and of course a huge thank you is due to all
        organization, and then secures those purposes  hit, it will be virtual, lacking only the glitter
        successful leader is the ability to empower others to make  the speakers, vendors, volunteers and especially Ana, Audrey,
        into a systematic and meaningful action plan.  of  Laughlin.  Nevertheless,  you'll  gain  the
        decisions that support the organization’s vision. Effective  Chuck and Je   for providing the outstanding foundation on
        leaders grant others this decision-making authority, but they  which we build this event.     e keynote presentations by Josh
        It  helps  connect  internal  conditions  and  skills  and  knowledge  you  need  to  become
        also provide the guidance, coaching, resources, and tools  Tickell and Aron Ralston were informative and quite moving,
        processes  to  external  events  and  forces.  It  a  more  effective  school  business  leader.
        necessary to ensure the decisions support the work of the  the professional development breakout sessions provided
        bridges  the  gap  between  where  we  are  and  Our  keynote  speaker  is  Joe  Sanfelippo,
        organization. Success requires mutual trust and a clear vision.   our members with a wealth of knowledge on a broad range of
        where we want to go.                                    Superintendent  of  the  Fall  Creek  School
           Leadership also involves another E: Excellence. E ective  topics, and the tribute to Carolyn Warner, the iconic Arizona
                                                                District in Fall Creek, Wisconsin. His district
        leaders create an environment that expects — even demands  Superintendent of Public Instruction, brought back fond
        excellence. In that environment everyone strives to produce   memories for all of us.
        Our  students,  staff,  and  community  rely  on  was  named  an  Innovative  District  in  2016
        a quality product. In our case, that quality product is students   I welcome new members to our Board of Directors, and
        us to plan ahead, to forecast and make plans  and  2017  by  the  International  Center  for
        who have the knowledge and skills to succeed in higher  applaud AASBO members who were recognized at our Annual
        for those future events that will affect them  Leadership  in  Education.  We’ll  also  have
        education, in the workforce and our society. If we are excellent  Conference for their accomplishments.
        positively  and  negatively—  to  promote  the  AASBO’s  Corporate  Partner  Expo  Hall,

                                                                   Finally – a reminder.  Our  rst bimonthly meeting of the new
        in our supportive responsibilities, our education sta  can focus

        on their responsibilities.                              school year is  September 11 at EVIT. You’re invited!
        6                                                                                THE EDGE   SPRING 2021
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