Page 36 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 36


                                                                      Chris Thomas  Anne Crumlish  Isela Brown
        COVID: What’s Ahead in 2022

        AASBO members are facing myriad issues – legal  and distancing. “Now, we have less,” he said.
        and financial – stemming from the COVID-19  “School districts arguably had authority to require
        pandemic, and experts provided information and  vaccinations of staff and students that were eligible
        educated guesses on what to expect in the 2021-22  for the vaccine, but that authority was taken away.”
        school year.
                                                                He noted that vaccinations for other diseases are
        Chris Thomas, Arizona School Boards Association  required,  with some exceptions, for children  to
        General Counsel/Associate Executive Director,  attend school, but not for Covid.
        offered an analysis of key school-related bills
        passed by the Arizona Legislature; Anne Crumlish,  Thomas called it a tragedy regarding the financial
        Executive Director, Aetna, tracked the up and down  penalty for virtual learning compared to in-person
        future of health care issues of the pandemic; and  instruction. He suggested it was “a hammer held
        Isela Brown, Business Manager, Santa Cruz Valley  over schools by government to get back to in-person
        Unified  School  District,  told  how  her  small  rural  learning. It’s unfortunate that happened.”
        district coped with Covid.
                                                                Then, in changes mostly made at the last minute
        In a presentation at AASBO’s Summer Conference  in education budget bills, the Legislature curtailed
        and Expo on July 22, Thomas recalled that initially  school district authority, Thomas said. “It was the
        under Gov. Doug Ducey’s executive orders school  ultimate Christmas tree bill,” he said, explaining
        districts had a lot of discretion regarding masks  that several bills that schools opposed and didn’t

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 38

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