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P. 34

Here's How Political Insiders See 2022 Election


        The Invest in Arizona referendums need about 118,000  simple thing for most voters.” He noted that tax cuts for
        valid signatures by September 28 to put the tax cuts on  the wealthy could be $30,000 or as much as $300,000.
        hold and allow voters to decide. Quinlan said collecting
        that many valid signatures during the summer is difficult  Asked about the governor’s race, Coughlin said he
        and he expects the drive to “come down to the wire.” He  considered former TV anchor Kari Lake the frontrunner
        said a majority of Arizonans have indicated a willingness  for the Republican nomination in a four-way contest. In
        to increases taxes to benefit education.                his 30-plus years in politics, Coughlin said he has never
                                                                seen a Republican primary like this. “I’ve called it a
        “I’ve called it a circular firing squad.”               circular firing squad. Whoever survives will be in a very
        – Chuck Coughlin                                        difficult position. It’s likely to be the person who hugs
                                                                Trump the most.”

        Coughlin said that while most people believe public  But Coughlin said attracting Republican voters to win a
        education is a community responsibility – for everyone,  statewide primary is so different from winning a general
        but not just one segment of the electorate. He said the  election. Making the transition from the end of August to
        issue will help Republicans.                            November is going to be “a completely extraordinarily
                                                                difficult experience for that candidate,” Coughlin said.
        Quinlan recalled  that Prop. 208 passed narrowly,  but  Quinlan agreed with  Welch that the Democratic
        predicted it will be more of a topic of conversation than  nomination  for  governor  is  Secretary  of  State  Katie
        it was in 2020. “Most of us in this room would get a tax  Hobbs’ to lose. “Hobbs is by far the front runner,” he
        cut of about 30 bucks,” he said. “How people vote for  said, adding that he doesn’t expect the primary to be
        a $30 tax cut versus funding education – that’s a pretty  combative.

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