Page 29 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 29
Brett Culp
Filmmaker Calls AASBO Members Heroes
AASBO members received high praise for their efforts “Thank you for
during the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic from an
inspirational and motivational keynote speaker who called being you and
them heroes.
thank you for the
In his presentation at AASBO’ Summer Conference and incredible work
Expo, Brett Culp, a filmmaker who focuses on connecting
individuals to an organization’s mission and goals, wasted you’re doing.”
no time recognizing the accomplishments of his AASBO
audience. Sitting in the back of the large conference room and want to volunteer there, but was told she was too young.
prior to his presentation, he said he could feel the energy. An avid swimmer, she decided the swim across Lake Ontario
to raise money for the camp. Her goal was $30,000. It took
“Your energy, not just today, but what you have been her nearly 27 hours to complete the 31-mile solo swim in the
through over the past 15 months,” Culp said. “The work chilly waters. That meant eight full hours in total darkness,
you have done individually and collectively, the work you Culp said. At the time, Annaleise became the youngest
have done with your schools and with your teams, you have person to swim across Lake Ontario. Instead of raising
made a difference in your communities, in your families and $30,000 for Camp Trillium, her effort raised $200,000,
together working for your students. You are heroes.” Culp said.
He commended school employees for their “continued
commitment in the face of diversity and difficulty.” He Culp told his AASBO audience they were invited to be
added: “Your focus on the future – it’s incredible. Thank you heroes, to join a mission and do something extraordinary
for being you and thank you for the incredible work you’re together.
“The world is full of good people – people who want
Then, in line with the theme of his presentation, he told good things for their own life, for their families and their
AASBO members: “Keep going – never give up.” community,” Culp said. “But they need individuals who will
step up and lead. Some define leadership as getting people
In his travels around the world, Culp said he seeks stories to do good things, getting them to do what you want them to
that inspire. Although he is the personal cinematographer do as quickly as possible with as little whining as possible.
for Hollywood stars, famous athletes and others, he said the Real leadership is helping people get on a mission to do
stories that inspire him the most are not about celebrities something extraordinary. Leadership is inclusive. Everyone
or high profile people. “It’s the stories about people you’ve is involved. Every voice is at the table.”
never heard of – people who on the surface seem very
ordinary,” Culp said. “But these are individuals who have Culp continued: “This is a mission we’re on. It’s done with
overcome adversity, people who have made a difference in passion and honesty. Real leadership is inviting people to do
the world.” He called them “every-day super heroes.” something extraordinary – together. Isn’t that what you’re
doing? We’re on a mission – a mission that matters. We’re in this
Culp told of a 13-year-old Canadian girl, Annaleise Carr, together. Everyone on your team, everyone in your school is part
who had visited Camp Trillium, a childhood cancer center, of this mission. Everyone in your community has a stake in it.”