Page 24 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 24
Sara Kirk
Tips on Handling Cash from Fundraisers and Student Activities
Keeping close tabs on cash coming in to a school about the belief that it’s easier to ask forgiveness
district is vital for a number of reasons, not the than permission. When it comes to fundraisers
least of which is – it can be stolen or misplaced and handling cash, permission must be sought
and wind up in the wrong person’s hands. first.
In a breakout session at the AASBO Summer McGovern told of a fundraiser at his school
Conference and Expo, Kenneth McGovern, district that ran into problems. Students were
CFO at Sierra Vista Unified School District, and selling discount cards to benefit the football
Sara Kirk, Consulting Partner, HeinfeldMeech, team. A vendor distributes the cards to the
told what can happen when proper procedures district, with the student club receiving a pre-
and safeguards are not in place or are not being determined percentage of sales. And students
followed. earn prizes.
So, what went wrong? “It was only a ‘handshake’
deal,” McGovern said.” The agreement was in
place before the fundraiser started. Hand-written
documents were provided with different sections
added in pencil and then scratched out. There
was zero accountability when the cards were
received or distributed. Students did not sign
a log when receiving their original allocation
of cards or additional allocations. There was
no cash collection strategy. Students were not
required to turn in cash at least weekly.”
The district determined that it was $400 short.
“When we receive cash, there are risks,” Eventually, the vendor agreed to make up the
McGovern said. “Cash is stolen. Cash is difference, McGovern said.
lost. Bank statements don’t agree with the
organization’s records. There is a weak audit What lessons were learned? “A new process
trail. And there are accusations and finger was implemented last November,” he said. “The
pointing.” agreement must be signed before the fundraisers
can begin. It has to be up front and in writing.
He emphasized the importance of training The details are clearly outlined and students
employees, parent-teacher organizations and have to sign off on it, including the amount
booster clubs. They need to know the rules and students will earn and the goals for prizes. Logs
regulations they have to follow. He also talked were created for accepting the cards or other