Page 26 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 26

Tips on Handling Cash from Fundraisers, Student Activities


        items, and  logs were created for distributing  good enough because procedures change.
        cards or items to students. Finally, weekly cash
        collections are mandatory.”                             Questions to consider:  What types of activities
                                                                does the district collect funds for; what methods of
        In addition, budgets are required and the purpose  payment will be accepted; what are the collection
        of the fundraiser must be clear and it must be  points; how frequently; who is doing the collecting;
        for the benefit of current students, McGovern  and what is the fundraiser for?
        said. It’s also vital to have the support of the
        district administration for any fundraisers.            Kirk  emphasized:  “Accountability  must  be
                                                                maintained. Monies should not be placed in
        Looking to the future, McGovern sees a shift  the drawer until the transaction is completed.
        from cash collections to electronic payments.  The  register  drawer  should  be  closed  between
        He mentioned the pros and cons. The pros are –  transactions. Establish a limit for the amount that
        there is no cash to worry about, paper receipts  can be in the register at one time. Also, ensure the
        are not collected, the ease of payment collection,  district has controls in place over the processing
        and it saves time.                                      of register  voids. Is management reviewing the
                                                                frequency and nature of voids for each cashier?”
        One of  the  cons is the  additional fees. “Who
        pays for credit card transactions? McGovern  For  the  process  of  cash  handling,  Kirk  strongly
        said. He quickly added: “Not the students.”             recommended that “different individuals should
                                                                handle each of the key responsibilities.” She said
        Also, there is the possibility of cyber crime, so  the various steps include receiving, cashiering and
        new controls need to be established.  Another  counting cash; counting of cash in comparison

        problem may involve hybrid collections.  to initial cash count; making a cash deposit; and
        McGovern said they can be confusing if, for  finally  comparing  cash  deposits  recorded  in  the
        example, someone  buys  a  $20 card, but pays  general  ledger  to  deposit  amounts  appearing  on
        more for it, with the additional money considered  copies of the cash collection forms and deposit
        a gift. That’s part fundraising and part donation.      slips.

        Kirk provided AASBO members with what she  “Operating and accounting functions should be
        called tips and reminders for handling cash. She  separated so one employee does not have both
        recommended establishing solid processes and  recordkeeping  and  custodial  duties,”  Kirk  said.
        procedures before having a training program.            “In small organization where limited personnel
                                                                prohibit such segregation of duties, school
        “The best practice is to train all employees at  management should review the work of employees
        the beginning of each school year,” Kirk said.  performing both duties. A lot is common sense –
        “Consider recording an on-demand webinar for  separation of duties.”
        employees to review as they come on board
        throughout the year.”                                   Sara Kirk can be reached at:
        It should be targeted training specific to  Kenneth McGovern can be reached at: kenneth.mcgovern@
        cafeteria, student activities, etc. If an employee
        says they took the training years ago, that’s not

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