Page 22 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 22

Cyber Crime Is Not Going Away – It’s Increasing


        person approved the change. One paycheck was lost  Gates  recommended  having  cyber  security training
        before the cyber crime was uncovered.                   four times year to discuss lessons learned and to make
                                                                sure a specific problem doesn’t happen again.
        “The payroll person should have phoned the teacher
        to verify the request,” he said.                        “Plan for attack,” Gates said. “It’s not if, but did you
                                                                have a  plan when  you got it? Hope for the best  –
        Gates agreed. “It’s not all technology.” He said a  expect the worst.”
        lot of direct deposit scams have failed, but some are
        successful.                                             Wes Gates can be reached at:

                                                                Marijon Anderson can be reached at:
        Anderson  summed up:  “The  cost,  frequency,  severity,
        and sophistication of cyber attacks are increasing,     Albert Magallanez can be reached at:
        driving up the risk and cost of cyber insurance. Working
        with the Trust Cyber Outreach program helps not only
        the district, but it helps The Trust obtain more favorable
        cyber coverage from reinsurers.”
        In response to a question from an AASBO member,
        Anderson said it is important to get the district’s
        technology vendors involved in cyber security.

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               Contract #17-15P-02  Contract #ADEQ18-186321

        22                                                                     THE EDGE   BACK TO SCHOOL 2021
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