Page 21 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 21


                                                                      Wes Gates  Marijon Anderson  Albert Magallanez
        Cyber Crime Is Not Going Away – It’s Increasing

        Cyber attacks continue to plague school districts, but   “Be super strict with cyber security policies,” she said.
        there are strategies and tactics that can provide protection   “Districts should also conduct regular phishing tests. If
        and minimize the losses.                               you don’t have them, we suggest you do them quarterly.”

        Wes Gates, Chief Information Officer for the Arizona School   Anderson recommended implementing an air gap
        Risk Retention Trust, Marijon Anderson, Risk Management   backup system so you don’t have to pay any ransom. It’s
        Analyst for The Trust, and Albert Magallanez, Director of   a system not on district premises that is not connected to
        Technology Services for Continental  Elementary  School   the district’s server. It is completely separated.
        District, gave  AASBO  members an idea of how cyber
        insurance trends impact school districts.              “The information you give us stays with us,” she said.
                                                               “We help you get safe. You can work directly with us
        “Hope for the best – expect the worst.”                and we will help you. We have a lot of resources.”

        – Wes Gates                                            Gates explained that The Trust has expanded its Cyber
                                                               Outreach Program to assist members and is increasing
        Gates made it clear that cyber crime is not going away   its staff. In addition,  The  Trust is introducing pre-
        and that it figures to get worse. In a breakout session at   conditions of coverage for the 2022-2023.
        the AASBO Summer Conference in Tucson, he said it’s
        not a case of if a district will be victimized, but when.   “The benefits of being in a pool is that The Trust is working
        The potential impact on a district will depend on the   closely with its reinsurers to get the most favorable
        level of cyber insurance you have, Gates said.         coverage and rates for its members without the severe
        Several recent examples of significant cyber attacks   impact of the current insurance market,” Gates said.
        nationally were cited, with a new record being set every
        year.  As  of  July,  there  were  54  additional  significant   He mentioned several cyber security services The Trust
        cyber incidents this year, and 65,000 ransomware attacks   offers, all of which are intended for IT managers, with
        expected in 2021.                                      most recommended for business managers and risk
                                                               managers as well.
        Commenting on cyber insurance trends, Anderson said,
        “Cyber is the most volatile and fastest changing line   They focus on cyber risk assessment; cyber security
        of insurance from a premium, structure, wording, and   incident response planning; virtual chief information
        claims  standpoint.  Cyber  insurers  are  implementing   security officer services; cyber education and awareness;
        significant pricing and underwriting actions.”         IT policy templates, and vulnerability assessments.

        She said most carriers are reducing capacity and limits   AASBO members were assured that assessing their cyber
        and “cherry-picking” clients, and some are not renewing   vulnerability would not adversely affect their insurance rate.
        coverage for some clients.
        “Ransomware now accounts for 75% of cyber claims,”     Magallanez, of Continental Elementary School District,
        Anderson said.                                         told of an incident  where a hacker created  a legitimate
                                                               gmail account and posed as a teacher. The hacker started
        Because cyber incidents  are  growing  in  sophistication,   a  simple  correspondence  with  a  payroll  person, and  then
        frequency,  and  are  more  costly,  Anderson  said  The  Trust   wanted to make a change for direct deposits.
        recommends that school districts increase their cyber awareness
        and maintain strict compliance with cyber security policies.  Magallanez said it didn’t look suspicious, so the payroll

                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

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