Page 38 - The Edge - BTS 2021
P. 38

COVID: What’s Ahead in 2022


        have enough support during the session were attached    Crumlish of Aetna recalled that in 2020 the public spent
        to the budget.                                          roughly as much on treatment as on testing. The success
                                                                of vaccines has brought testing down. “Looking ahead,
        Regarding masks, the law prohibits the “use of face     testing will probably cost more than treatment,” she said.
        coverings by students or staff during school hours and
        on school property.”  Thomas questioned whether the     Crumlish said she expects all school age children to get
        terms school hours and school property are conjunctive   vaccinated against Covid by the end of the year.
        or disjunctive.
                                                                “We’re moving from pandemic to endemic,” she said.
        State law also states that a student or teacher may not   Flu is endemic— Covid will be, too, but no one knows
        be required “to receive a Covid vaccine or wear a face   what it will look like.”
        covering to participate in in-person instruction.”
                                                                Flu, like Covid, is contagious and airborne, but Covid is
        In a move targeting sickouts by staff,  Thomas said, a   way more transmissible, she said. Covid vaccine is more
        new section of law states that the Attorney General may   effective, resulting in a drop in treatment costs. “Covid
        act to recover illegally paid public monies against a   vaccine is incredibly effective in mitigating serious
        public official, employee or others “who knowingly uses   illness,” Crumlish said.
        public monies or other public resources, including email,
        equipment or compensated work time, to organize, plan   It’s unclear what the cost of booster shots will be, she
        or execute any activity that impedes or prevents a public   said, noting that the federal government has been paying
        school from operating for any period of time …”         for vaccines since the pandemic began.
        “It was the ultimate Christmas tree bill.” – Chris Thomas  The good news is that there wasn’t a flu outbreak last
                                                                year, probably because more people were staying home
        That passage also deals with the Red for Ed protest in   and being more careful. But she said she expects the
        2018 for an increase in teacher pay, Thomas said.       disease to come back later this year.

        Among the frequently asked questions he hears, Thomas   There are a lot of unknowns ahead, she said. If you’re
        said, is  whether  masks  will  be  worn  on  school  buses.   fully  funded, the insured  did  not  suffer  financially in
        Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and       2020, and if you’re self  funded,  2021  will  be  calmer,
        Prevention says face covering should be worn on all     she said.
        public conveyances. Arguments can be made regarding
        whether the term “school hours” also applies to time on   Brown of Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District said
        a school bus before and after normal school hours.      when the pandemic hit, IT was the main go-to person.
                                                                The first challenge was providing devices for employees
         Other questions involve whether schools have the       and students who did not have one. Then there was the
        authority to enforce quarantining, and whether the ban   issue of tracking devices given to students. The district
        on requiring vaccines for students and teachers also    also had to provide other services, like child care – a safe
        applies to other staff and visitors, including vendors.  environment in a school building, for working families
                                                                with no adults at home after school.
        If schools begin to shift back to virtual learning, which
        they still have the authority to do, Thomas suggested the   “Now, we have to analyze how we accomplished what
        governor might issue an executive order to deal with it.   we accomplished, and what we can improve – lessons
        He also said the issue of treating vaccinated and non-  learned,” Brown said.
        vaccinated individuals differently is not a protected-
        class issue.                                            Chris Thomas can be reached at:
                                                                Anne Crumlish can be reached at:
        Under  HIPPA,  a  federal  law,  individuals  have  a  right   Isela Brown can be reached at:
        not to disclose health issues, but Thomas recommended
        asking if a person has been vaccinated against Covid.

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