Page 12 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 12


                            BY DON HARRIS

                            Choice, ‘Charter School Onslaught,’ Make

                            Planning Di   cult for District Schools

            Rick Brammer

              Rick Brammer of Applied Economics painted a grim picture  understanding each district’s goals. “Not one size   ts all,” he
            for district schools facing sti   competition from charters,  said.
            private and parochial schools and the state’s expanding   Districts should also understand current characteristics
            Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program. And it all  and likely trends, tie near-term decisions to budgets, sta   ng,
            revolves around choice.                                facilities and transportation, and consider facility additions and
              In a breakout session at AASBO’s Summer Conference  closures.
            and Expo, Brammer discussed four key areas of choice: intra-  Regarding the school age population, Brammer said, “How
            district open enrollment (enrolling in another school in the  many of those kids are you actually going to serve?”  Prior to
            district); inter-district open enrollment (enrolling in another  charter schools, 95 percent of the children in a district went to
            district); charter schools; and private schools, aided by ESAs.   district schools. “Today, only 66 percent of the kids in a district
              Education choice impacts district schools in several ways,  go where you would expect them to go,” he said.
            including enrollment,   nance, sta   ng, facilities, transportation,
            programs and administration.    e key, Brammer said, is                               CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

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