Page 7 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 7


                            BY DAVID LEWIS

                            Continued Delays, Cutbacks, Mean Repairs of

                            Building Facilities Just Keep Costing More

              Here’s an interesting
            fact I picked up the
            other day  –  how long
            is 1 million seconds: 11
            and ½ days; how long is
            1 billion seconds: almost
            32 years; and how long is
            1 trillion seconds: 31,710
               It’s always interesting
            to look at something
            from a new perspective
            and to then realize
            the significant impact,
            the passing of time in
            this  instance,  action  or
            lack of action could be
            having on a problem.
               is, of course, could be
            said about the negative
            consequences of delayed
            action when it comes
            to properly investing in
            the capital needs of our
            public schools.
              Let’s look at a
            few facts. Although                                                                           PHOTO/KVKIRILLOV
            Governor Ducey included additional funding in his current budget   It is the ultimate irony that a group of supposedly “conservative”
            for the School Facilities Board for building maintenance, we still  legislators, committed to the premise of   scal responsibility and
            have a continuation of hundreds of millions of dollars in annual  proper stewardship of public funds, is in essence wasting billions
            cuts  directly to schools for other  maintenance and  so   capital  of taxpayers’ dollars every day.  By their refusal to properly
            needs, such as technology.                             research these issues and educate themselves on widely available
              As the above tidbit implies, this delayed action since 2009, yes  best practices that would address this problem, they have created
            that’s now over 8 years ago, has resulted in ongoing cuts totaling in  a situation that is now dangerously close to becoming a problem
            the neighborhood of over 2 billion dollars – that’s billion with a B!   “too large to solve.”
            We all know the bene  ts of compounding interest and how a small   Combined with a refusal to explore additional revenue generating
            amount of money can grow over time, but the reverse is also true  measures at the state level, yes taxes, the shi   to having our local
            of the compounding nature of delayed or haphazard repairs and the  communities vote to tax themselves to address these needs is now
            negative impact this has over time.                    almost complete.     is “governing by neglect” approach is not only
              Building facilities, A/C equipment, buses, roofs, just to name a  extremely wasteful, it has led us into a now broadly inequitable
            few, will not only fail to meet adequate standards for providing an  system that clearly violates the general and uniform standard
            acceptable learning environment for students today if not properly  required in our Constitution.  As was the case with the in  ation
            maintained, they will of course cost a great deal more to   x or  funding issue, this continued abdication of responsibility will have
            replace tomorrow, resulting in much higher costs than if we had  to be addressed by our courts.  See you at our next membership
            simply kept them in good working order to begin with.    meeting!

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