Page 5 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 5


                            BY RICKY D. HERNANDEZ

                            Every Student, Every School, Every Time

              Every day I walk  into
            my son’s school, I am
            greeted by the curiosity
            of every student ready to
            learn and to engage. Yet,
            sometimes we get a little
            cynical about what role
            we play in supporting
            those beaming students
            who are ready to
            learn.  Undoubtedly,
            this is probably one
            of the busiest times of
            the year for all of us.
            Between audits, annual
              nancial reports, budget
            revisions and planning
            the next budget cycle, it
            is easy to get caught up
            in the numbers game of
            our day-to-day lives. We
            need to make sure that
            we take the opportunity
            to focus on each of those
            students and  each of
            those schools – every                                                                    PHOTO/DAVID_FRANKLIN
            time!                                                  sometimes be pervasive in our communities.  We have a responsibility
              Recently, we have seen articles surrounding Arizona’s special  to bring the conversations back to every student, every school, every
            education funding gaps among our students and between our  time.  One of the core ethical standards at AASBO is, “Make the well-
            public schools – a story that our own Anabel Aportela helped to  being of all students, sta   and fellow members a fundamental value
            provide ample research.  We have seen articles about   nancial  in all decision-making and actions.”
            accountability in charter schools and around recruitment, retention   When we have discussions surrounding education, among
            and compensation for teachers.                         ourselves or with others, take them out to a school and show them
                 ese are important topics and they need to be addressed.  But  what is going on in your classrooms. Even when you or your sta
            even with that type of blistering information about our schools,  get a little down in the dumps about what you are doing, go out to
            we need to make sure we take a step back to focus on how these  a school and see the di  erence you are making.  Believe me – the
            conversations impact each of our students’ ability to learn and engage  power of a smile from a student, whether they are 5 or 15, is like
            in their schools.    e answers tend to be obvious and as school business  nothing in the world to make you feel amazing about what you do.
            o   cials we tend to   gure them out relatively easily.  However, how   It is easy to get caught up in the adult arguments surrounding
            o  en do we make sure that part of the questions we ask ourselves are  what is lacking in our schools and to brush up against people who
            – how does what I do impact the life of our students?  don’t believe in what you believe.  When that happens, invite them
              With all of the conversations going on around us we need to  onto your campuses, tell them about your schools, and let them know
            make sure that every single conversation is an advocacy message for  that it’s about every student, every school, every time!     ank you as
            our students. We need to help break the cycle of cynicism that can  always for what YOU do!  ¡Adelante!

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