Page 8 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 8


                             BY DON HARRIS

                             Tom Wohlleber Is Elected Vice

                             President of ASBO International

            Tom Wohlleber

              A  er 32 years as a member of ASBO International, Tom
            Wohlleber has begun his journey toward a more in  uential and   “There are, however, more states than less
            impactful role in the school business organization.
              Wohlleber, Chief Financial O   cer of Casa Grande Elementary   that teacher pay is a legitimate issue. It has
            School District and a relative newcomer to Arizona, has been
            elected Vice President of ASBO International.  Wohlleber became   to do with the overall funding level of public
            Casa Grande’s CFO on July 1, a  er holding a similar position with   education on a state- by-state basis.”
            Gilbert Public Schools for two years. Prior to moving to Arizona,
            he had an impressive 30-year career as a school business o   cial in
            Wisconsin, holding numerous key positions.             President, he will become President and   nally Past President of
              In 2013, while still living in Wisconsin, Wohlleber was elected  the International.
            to a three-year term on the ASBO International Board of Directors   As part of his campaign for Vice President, he was asked by
            and in 2016, a  er Arizonan David Peterson resigned from the  ASBO International to respond to three key questions. Here are
            board to enter the private sector, Wohlleber was appointed by the  the questions and Wohlleber’s partial answers:
            ASBO Board to   ll the rest of Peterson’s term.    at opened the way
            for him to run for Vice President this year. A  er a year as Vice                      CONTINUED ON PAGE 9


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