Page 9 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 9

TOM WOHLLEBER                                          can be some bene  ts, but in many cases it has gone beyond the
                                                                   original intent to provide opportunities for families to move
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8                                  their children from a school or district that is doing a poor job of

            What needs do school business of  cials have and what skills will   educating its students.    e impact that charter schools are having
            they need in the next 5-10 years that ASBO should begin to focus   on school districts in Arizona and the expansion of Empowerment
            on?                                                    Scholarship Accounts is very concerning to me.”
              “Undoubtedly new technology will have a signi  cant impact   He continued: “As we look at the current agenda at the national
            on how the SBO will function in the future. Another skill that  level, including appointments in the U.S. Department of Education
            will become increasingly important is the ability to e  ectively  and budgeting proposals regarding funding for public education,
            communicate and facilitate an understanding of complex  there is a leaning toward the privatization of K-12 education and
            information or issues. ASBO International must be poised to  reduced funding for public education. It is important to become
            support the development of these and other critical skills needed  more involved and engaged in the legislative process to make sure
            by SBOs in the future.”                                the voice for public education and for our students in the public
                                                                   education system is heard.”
            Knowing that education is the key to individual, national, and   Wohlleber said ASBO International has become more involved
            international development, what suggestions do you offer school   in legislative and regulatory a  airs at the national level – it is one
            business of  cials around the world relative to managing school   of the organization’s strategic initiatives. ASBO works in close
              nances?                                              partnership with other national education organizations in “making
              “   e most important suggestion I can make to school business  sure  that  school  districts  are  aware  of  legislative  or  regulatory
            o   cials throughout the world is to help their citizens, community/  initiatives being proposed at the national level and help school
            business leaders and elected o   cials                                         leaders understand or assess the
            view the allocation of resources for   “The most important suggestion I        potential impact of those proposals
            education as an investment rather                                              on their students, sta   and school
            than as a cost or expense.”   can make to school business of  cials            district.”
                                                                                              According to Wohlleber,
            The Trump Administration will     throughout the world is to help              “Another important focus of this
            be placing increased emphasis                                                  strategic initiative is to empower
            on charter schools, vouchers,   their citizens, community/business             ASBO members and state ASBO
            and school choice. How would                                                   affiliates to have influence on
            you suggest that school business   leaders and elected of  cials view          legislative and regulatory issues.”
            of  cials prepare for the potential                                               On teacher shortages and
            loss of public school funding as   the allocation of resources for             salaries, Wohlleber said the lack
            resources are concentrated in these                                            of quali  ed teachers is a national
            other areas?                    education as an investment rather              issue. On the other hand, salary
              “It is extremely important to                                                is a state-by-state problem. “Some
            educate key stakeholders, school    than as a cost or expense.”                states have found creative ways to
            boards, sta  , parents, parent support                                         address or begin to address the
            organizations, community/business leaders, service organizations  issue of teacher pay,” he said. “   ere are, however, more states
            and elected officials regarding these policy changes and the  than less that teacher pay is a legitimate issue. It has to do with
            potential impact on your students and school district.”  the overall funding level of public education on a state- by-state
              Wohlleber said he decided to run for Vice President a  er having  basis.”
            held numerous leadership positions in Wisconsin, including   Whether Wohlleber is involved in education or sports, he’s
            President of both the Wisconsin Association of School Business  not reluctant to take a stand and make a decision. He has been
            O   cials and Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators Association.  o   ciating at various levels of football for 30 years. He was one of
            He joined the Arizona Association of School Business O   cials two  the National Football League replacement o   cials in 2012 during
            years ago.                                             a lockout by the league of its regular o   cials. While he no longer
              “ASBO International’s role is to supplement and provide  o   ciates college football or Arena Football, he still blows a whistle
            resources and professional development opportunities that go  for high school football and basketball games and even lacrosse
            beyond what is provided at the state level,” he said. “I’ve been in  matches.
            ASBO International for 32 years, my entire school business career.   Asked about the Arizona Cardinals recent win over the San
            I’ve had the fortune of serving in numerous leadership capacities  Francisco 49ers by scoring the only touchdown of the game near
            at the state level, and it really challenged me to explore the  the end of overtime, Wohlleber chuckled and said, “   at o  ense
            opportunity to play a leadership role in what ASBO International  needs a little shot in the arm.”
            can do to support school business o   cials in the United States and   Wohlleber and his wife Judy, a retired elementary school
            internationally.”                                      guidance counselor, have two daughters – a second grade teacher
              Commenting on school choice, Wohlleber said, “If it is being  in Wisconsin and the other is in a social work program at Arizona
            done for the right reasons and on a level playing   eld, there  State University – and two grandchildren.

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