Page 27 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 27
UNFILLED POSITIONS e Morrison Institute for Public Policy reported earlier this
year that 42 percent of Arizona teachers hired in 2013 are no
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 longer teaching in an Arizona public school. And more than a
For example, the University of Arizona works with those third of Arizona teachers have been in the classroom for four
who have degrees in another eld and want to go back and get years or less.
a master’s degree in education. at concept was showcased at a “ is is just one tool in the toolbox,’’ Ducey said. Ducey cited
press conference by Clarisse White, who has a degree in political other programs, including allowing people without teaching
science but is now student teaching high school government. degrees to head classrooms.
Northern Arizona University President Rita Cheng said But UofA President Robert Robbins, while citing the bene ts
her school is focused on a “grow your own’’ program, working of programs that pay for education degrees, said there’s another
with individuals in underserved communities to get them their piece to the equation.
teaching credentials while they continue to work at their old jobs. “My hope is that one day we will be able to pay the teachers
And Arizona State University is providing mentoring support that dedicate so much and are so important to our society and
for graduates during their rst year of teaching. our country, a better reward than they currently get nancially,’’
Gov. Doug Ducey, who proposed the program in January, said he said.
September 26 he recognizes that putting more would-be teachers at Morrison Institute study reported that elementary school
in the pipeline – this program provides free tuition to 200 – does teachers in Arizona are paid less than anywhere else in the
not address the problem of keeping certi ed teachers in the country, even adjusting for cost of living. High school teachers
profession. fare little better, ranking 49th.
“This is just one tool in the toolbox”
— Gov. Doug Ducey
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