Page 23 - The Edge - Fall 2017
P. 23

            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22                                                         “For example, if a district

              To determine what the brand perception  everybody – from top to bottom. Everybody   buys new buses, people could
            of your district is, Christy recommended  is trained to smile. They’re always happy   complain that you’re spending
            conducting surveys and polls, contacting  and cheerful. That’s what the Disney
            parents with emails and phone calls. “Why  concept means. Everybody is on board with   too much money on buses.
            are people not choosing your school?”  the brand.”                             On the other hand, if the
            she said. “Look at social media. What are   Strengths could mean a district
            parents saying about your school? Based on  offers ESL programs and immersion   message is that you switched
            perceptions and what you know to be true,  learning, incentivizes teachers and   from diesel to propane, that
            what can you change?”                 has high retention, and has adequate   means you’re environmentally
            Strengths: What makes your            communications and marketing staff,   conscientious, or the new buses
                                                  Christy said.
                     district shine?
                                                   Weaknesses: What needs to  have seatbelts – that’s a safety
              Calles asked what one word describes          be improved?                message. You don’t want them
            your district. He used Disney as an example.
            “When you hear Disney, you feel fun, family.   Problems could be that a district is   to think it’s an expense. It’s
            It triggers an emotion that resonates, Calles  densely populated with charters and   an investment. Education is an
            said. “You know that brand. When people  alternative options, the district doesn’t have
            hear your district name, people should feel  a great track record with passing bonds,   investment in our children, in
            something that represents quality, a safe  and does not have professional marketing   our future, in our community.”
            environment for my child, growth – some  and communications support, according to
            kind of emotion. Disney gets its brand from  Christy.                         — Jeremy Calles, CFO of Tolleson
                                                                                             Union High School District
                                                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

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