Page 5 - 2023 Winter Conference Brochure
P. 5

       10:10 AM - 11:00 AM                                              EMPLOYEE HIRING AND
       10:10 AM - 11:00 AM

                                                                        RETENTION PRACTICES
                                                                Despite continuing high unemployment rates, most
         MEDICAID COMPLIANCE                                    school  districts  report  having  difficulty  filling  and

  This  session  will  provide  some  tips  and  tricks  on     retaining  key  positions.  This  session  will  discuss
  how  to  organize  and  track  your  Medicaid  eligible       some  steps  to  recruit,  hire  and  retain  quality
  expenditures  to  ensure  your  district  maximizing          employees.  We  will  share  many  time-tested

  potential Medicaid reimbursement.                             examples  of  strategies  that  may  help  you  in  your

  Presented By: Tyler Moore - Higley Unified School
  District & Jennifer Miller - PCG & Dominick Ruth -            Presented By: Sabrina Kvavle - Mesa Public Schools
  Higley Unified School District & Lisa DeWitt -  AHCCCS        & Craig Weidel - School Nutrition Association of AZ

                                                                104: COOPERATIVE


                                                                An  overview  of  the  Cooperative  Purchasing
                                                                Resources  available  through  the  local  NIGP

                                                                Presented By: Bill Munch - Valley Schools &
  102: YOU DON'T KNOW                                           Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified School District

           WHAT YOU DON'T                                       105: MY AUDITOR DIDN’T

           KNOW...                                                      TELL ME THAT!

  Join us for an engaging and enlightening discussion           We all know the annual audit covers many areas of
  on    best    practices    for    employee      database      compliance, but if you can believe it there are even
  management. What does your district currently do              more areas of compliance that may not be tested
  for managing employees? Better yet, do you know               during  an  annual  compliance  audit.  This  session
  what  you  can  do  to  manage  your  districts  largest      will  review  the  other  types  of  audits  and  a
  asset? This session will bring lively discussion and          compilation  of  requirements  Arizona  school
  entertainment  to  an  area  that  we  all  tend  to          districts have that are not always tested during an
  overlook. The possibilities are endless!
                                                                annual  compliance  audit.  Come  to  this  session  to
                                                                add a few checks to your already full to do list!

  Presented By: Tracy Rockwell & Jill Winn - Maricopa
  County Superintendent of Schools                              Presented By: Karin Smith - HeinfeldMeech &

                                                                Karla Walter - Sunnyside Unified School District
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