Page 6 - 2023 Winter Conference Brochure
P. 6

11:05 AM - 11:55 AM                                     204: USFR COMPLIANCE
        11:05 AM - 11:55 AM

   201: MANAGING USER                                                     REVIEW

          ACCESS – FROM HIRE                                    Review  of  the  USFR  Compliance  Questionnaire
                                                                related to Purchasing.

         JOB CHANGES BETWEEN                                    Presented By: Missy Mudry - Sunny Path Associates

   When  it  comes  to  managing  users  in  your  financial    & Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified School District &
   system,  what  departments  and  positions  should  be       Wendy Garretson - Higley Unified School District
   involved  and  why?  Who  is  ensuring  that  users  do  not
   have access to sensitive data not needed or not enough
   to  complete  their  job  duties?  Does  your  district  have
   practices  in  place  for  who  needs  access  to  your  ERP
   system?  What  is  your  process  for  removing  termed
   employees?  Join  us  to  discuss  key  guidelines  districts
   should follow for managing system access. This session
   will showcase best practices implemented that includes
   multiple  key  stakeholders  when  managing  all  users
   from    adding,   editing,   removing    and    providing
   temporary access.

   Presented By: Courtney Pina & Tom Clark
   - Glendale Elementary School District &
   Sara Kirk - HeinfeldMeech
                                                                205: AUDIT FINDINGS AND

                                                                         HOW TO CORRECT
   202: A WALKTHROUGH OF                                                 DEFICIENCIES

            AZEDS STUDENT DATA                                  The  auditors  identified  a  deficiency  which  means

            REPORTS                                             now you have to address the item. This session will
                                                                cover some of the more recent audit findings and
   This  presentation  will  guide  school  personnel           provide  best  practices  on  how  to  avoid  them  as
   through the various student data reports on AzEDS            well  as  how  to  implement  corrective  actions  to
   and  compare  them  to  previous  reports  that  have        ensure there are no repeats.
   been retired to show where the data can be found
   on the new reports.

                                                                Presented By: Jennifer Shields - HeinfeldMeech &
                                                                Treena Bradley - Roosevelt Elementary School District
   Presented By: Tim McCain - Arizona Department of
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