Page 7 - 2023 Winter Conference Brochure
P. 7

01:00 PM - 01:50 PM
          01:00 PM - 01:50 PM
                                                                303: SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL

   301: NAVIGATING ADE                                                    GARDENS – THE

           REPORTS: PAYMENT &                                             FOUNDATION

           BUDGET REPORTS                                       This session will present steps and considerations

   Do you struggle with finding the right payment and           when starting a school garden.
   budget reports on ADE? Well the SF Analyst Team
   and  SF  Budget  Team  is  here  to  help  understand        Presented By: Cori Hensley & Jessica Gibbs -
   your  payment  and  budget  reports  including  basic        Arizona Department of Education & Cory Alexander -
   state aid reports, county reports, BUDG-25, BUDG-            Osborn School District
   75, and several other payment reports.

                                                                304: AFTER THE FACT
   Presented By: Charlie Martin - Arizona Department
   of Education & Jeremy Calles - Tolleson Union High                     PURCHASES
   School District                                              A  Panel  Discussion  on  best  practices  for  handling

                                                                After the Fact Purchases.


                                                                Presented By: Jessica Leasure - Dysart Unified
             DUTIES - A PANEL                                   School District & Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High

             DISCUSSION                                         School District & Cheryl Burt - Buckeye Elementary

   Enjoy  this  panel  discussion  for  tips  and  tricks  to   School District & Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
                                                                Schools & Lari Staples - Mohave Educational Services
   keep  your  district  compliant  and  ensure  best           Cooperative, Inc.
   practices regarding segregation of duties within the
   business  office.  The  panel  will  share  various
   perspectives from an audit, large district, medium           305: BOND AND OVERRIDE
   district,  and  small  district  on  how  to  effectively
   organize  duties  and  responsibilities  within  a                ELECTIONS COMPLIANCE
   business.                                                    This  session  will  cover  State  and  Federal

                                                                compliance  requirements  from  the  period  leading
                                                                up  to  an  election  call  through  election  day,
   Presented By: Ryan French - Littleton Elementary             including  use  of  exploratory  committees,  do’s  and
   School District & Jennifer Shields - HeinfeldMeech           don’ts, voter pamphlet requirements and more.
   Kimberly Dugdale - Blue Ridge Unified School District
   & Shannon Crosier - Scottsdale Unified School
   District                                                     Presented By: Randie Stein - Stifel & Nate Bowler -
                                                                Glendale Union High School District & Paul Gales Jr. -
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