Page 8 - 2023 Winter Conference Brochure
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      02:10 PM - 03:00 PM                                                 SCHOOL GARDENS –
      02:10 PM - 03:00 PM

   401: PERFORMANCE                                                       SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                This  session  will  be  a  panel  discussion  on  what  it
            AUDITS - A PANEL                                    takes to keep a school garden going strong.


   Get insights and advice on how to navigate and get           Presented By: Cory Alexander - Osborn School
   the  most  from  an  Auditor  General  performance           District, Cori Hensley & Jessica Gibbs - Arizona
   audit  from  a  panel  of  school  district  officials  who  Department of Education
   have  gone  through  one.  Also,  hear  an  auditor  on
   the  panel  share  insight  about  using  the                404: CONFLICT OF
   performance  audit  process  to  make  lasting                         INTEREST
   improvements at your district.
                                                                This  presentation  will  provide  guidance  to  school
                                                                purchasing  and  business  officials  on  conflict  of

   Presented By: Karla Walter - Sunnyside Unified               interest  laws  and  how  they  apply  to  the
   School District & John Ward - Arizona Auditor General        procurement process.
   & Ana Samaniego -Douglas Unified School District &
   Aimee E. Manjarres - Pine-Strawberry Elementary              Presented By: Jennifer MacLennan - Gust Rosenfeld
   School District & Brad Sale - Parker Unified School           & Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified School District
   District & Lynn Leonard - Mingus Union High School
   District                                                     405: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO
                                                                     IMPLEMENTING GASB 96 &
   402: NAVIGATING ADE                                               HOW TO RECORD RELATED

             WEBSITE AND THE                                         TRANSACTIONS PER THE

             WEALTH OF                                               CHART OF ACCOUNTS
                                                                Ensure  you’re  aware  of  the  requirements  and  the
             INFORMATION ON IT                                  latest  guidance  concerning  the  implementation  of
   New  to  School  Finance?  Need  a  refresher?  Learn        GASB  96,  and  its  effect  on  how  expenditures  for
   how  to  navigate  the  Arizona  Department  of              subscription-based         information        technology
   Education  (ADE)  web-site  for  the  School  Business       arrangements are recorded. Learn about the types

   Official.  This  session  will  provide  a  hands  on        of  agreements  affected  (ex.  subscriptions  vs.
   experience  showing  you  where  to  find  valuable          licenses),  and  their  impact  on  your  accounting
   resources  and  reports  essential  for  the  School         records,  capital  assets,  and  financial  statement
   Business  Official.  This  session  will  cover  GME,        reports.  Find  out  how  to  properly  record  these
   AZEDS  School  Finance,  ESEA  monitoring  and  the          transactions per the chart of accounts, and when to
   Help Desk.                                                   use specific function and object codes.

   Presented By: Kimberly Dugdale - Blue Ridge                  Presented By: Christopher Heinfeld - HeinfeldMeech
   Unified School District                                      & Amanda Winn & Chris Votroubek - Arizona Auditor
                                                                General's Office
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