Page 4 - 2019 Winter Conference
P. 4

Breakout Session I

         101: 20% by 2020 - How Did your                       102: Federal Solicitation Provisions

               District Implement This New
               Funding and Plans for the Future                How do you know if a contract is provi-
                                                               sionally  compliant  for  due  diligence  and
         The Arizona Governor and Legislature approved  your own contracts?
         a 20% salary increase for teachers, based on the
         average teacher salary, to be implemented across      Presented By: Bobby Williams II - Mesa
         fiscal  years  2019  (10%),  2020  (5%),  and  2021
         (5%).  Come  to  this  interactive  panel  discussion   Public Schools & Lourdes Banuelos -
         as districts share how they implemented raises for  Tolleson Union High School District
         various employee groups in fiscal year 2019 and
         how they plan to implement the 5% raise in fiscal
         year 2020.
                                                               104: Lessons We’ve Learned From 3
         Presented By: Scott Heusman - Alhambra                       Years of ACA Reporting
         Elementary School District, Jeremy Calles
         - Tolleson Union High School District &               Lessons We’ve Learned From 3 Years of ACA Re-

         Dale Ponder - Crane Elementary School                 porting Over the course of the past three Internal
         Disrict                                               Revenue  Service  (IRS)  reporting  seasons,  we’ve
                                                               learned  some  valuable  lessons  about  where  em-
                                                               ployers  may  stumble  when  complying  with  the
         103: Reconciling Cash to the                          Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
                County Treasurer -                             Attendees will learn about critical factors that place
                                                               employers at risk of receiving a proposed penalty
                What You Need to Know                          notice from the IRS. This workshop will walk par-
                                                               ticipants through the Employer Shared Responsi-
         In order to effectively manage your District’s re-    bility Payment (ESRP) response process, from re-
         sources, it is imperative that cash is reconciled ac-  sponding to IRS Letter 226-J through requesting a
         curately and timely. This session will discuss what   pre-assessment conference with the IRS Office of
         the requirements are with respect to cash recon-      Appeals. Attendees will go home with a checklist
         ciliations whether your District reconciles directly   of areas they should review to avoid common pit-
         to the county treasurer or an intermediary agency     falls in ACA reporting compliance. Each lesson will
         is involved. Best practices that should be imple-     be illustrated with case studies.
         mented will be identified and tools that can be       Learning Objectives:
         utilized to assist in the reconciliation process will   • What should we look for to assess penalty risk?
         be shared.                                            • How do we respond if the IRS proposes a pen-
                                                               • What best practices can we adopt to avoid com-
         Presented By: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld, Meech             mon missteps and prevent penalties to begin with?

         & Co., P.C., Annette Moreno - Pendergast
         Elementary School District, Trenda Long -             Presented By:  Nate Bowler -
         Buckeye Elementary School District &                  Buckeye Elementary School District &
         CJ Beckstrom - Buckeye Elementary                     Jessica Frier - American Fidelity
         School District
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