Page 6 - 2019 Winter Conference
P. 6

Breakout Session III

         301: ESSA Site-Based Financial                        302: Textbook Adoption Including

                Reporting: Who is telling your                         On Demand Textbook Printing
                story and what is the impact?
                                                               What  are  the  general  requirements  of  a
         What will be the impact of site-based re-             textbook  adoption?  As  an  alternative  to

         porting  for  school  districts?  Who  will  be       purchasing  traditional  hard  copy  text-
         asking questions regarding the outcomes?              books, see how we can save you time and
         It is more important than ever that the Fi-           money buy using our on-demand textbook
         nance  Teams  and  Academic  Teams  work              ordering process. Teachers can order indi-
         together, to ensure alignment between the             vidual or combined lessons and only teach
         budget and the strategic plans of the dis-            the lessons needed for each quarter during
         trict. In these times, accountability is key.         the school year. Math, Reading and Science
         Ensuring equitable  delivery of education,            are available.
         so that academic goals are achieved for all

         students, is the goal of ESSA reporting.              Presented By: Martin James  - Deer
                                                               Valley Unified School District &
         Presented By:  Lizette Huie - Sahuarita               Roger Spivey - Litchfield Elementary
         Unified School District &                             School District
         Melissa Higdon - Forcast5 Analytics

                                                               304: Tax Reform: The New Reality
          303: Tax Credit Expenditures &                              for Municipal Bonds and Issuers

                                                                 • Overview of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

         Join us as we focus on the yearly report-               • Impact of Tax Reform
         ing  requirements  and  the  change  this               • Advance Refunding Alternatives
         year with the additional requirement of                 • New Financing Concepts in Light of
                                                                    Tax Reform
         the CTDS number.  We will also discuss                  • Analysis of Use of Short Calls

         what  makes  a  school  program  eligible               • Potential for Future Tax Code Changes
         for contributions.

                                                               Presented By: Kathryn Pong & Tye Bur-
         Presented By: Elizabeth St. Clair -                   gess  RBC Capital Markets LLC, &

         Arizona Department of Revenue                         Mike Barragan - Glendale Elementary

                                                               School District

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