Page 5 - 2019 Winter Conference
P. 5

Breakout Session II

         201: How to Effectively Manage your  202: Best Practices to Comply with

                District’s Capital Assets                              the New Procurement Rule
         Do you oversee the property control and capital
         asset accounting and reporting function at your       In 2018, House Bill 2663 initiated several
         District or do your day to day activities include     changes  to  Arizona  School  Procurement
         these  areas?  This  session  will  discuss  important
         information  to  assist  District  management  with   Rules.  Join us as we discuss the most recent
         effectively  monitoring  and  supporting  this  func-  changes, as well as suggest some best prac-
         tion. This session will also discuss procedures that  tices on how to ensure compliance with the
         your District should have documented and that         new rules.
         will help you avoid misreporting your assets and

         potential noncompliance.
                                                               Presented By: Anita McLemore -
                                                               Mohave Educational Services Coopera-
         Presented By: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld, Meech
         & Co., P.C. & Deb Godley - West-MEC                   tive Inc. & Catcher Baden - Arizona
                                                               State Board of Education

         203: Construction in Progress - What                  204: School-Level Reporting for FY
                 you need to know and do to be                         2020

                audit ready

                                                               If you haven’t heard about the new State
         You now have the opportunity to learn from the ex-
         perts about best practices with Construction in Prog-  School-Level  Reporting  Requirements  for
         ress (CIP). A panel will answer your questions regard-  revenues and expenditures, or if you have
         ing tracking of expenses, year-end reconciliation and   questions on the requirements that will be
         other  major  areas  of  CIP.  E-mail  any  questions  you   effective in FY 2020, you need to attend
         want  addressed  to  Joseph  Leon,  the  panel  modera-
         tor, at This panel will include two  this session. We will look at the draft 2020
         authorities  in  the  area  of  Construction  in  Progress.  report forms and answer any questions on
         Each of them have served many districts around the    how district’s will report on a school and
         state, from the large to small, urban to rural. They will
         share their experience, wisdom and best practices re-  district wide level.
         garding Construction in Progress. In addition, we will
         be joined by Heinfeld Meech, to provide the exter-    Presented By: Cris Cable & Elizabeth
         nal audit perspective. This session is ideal for employ-
         ees who work with construction, capital assets, Bond   Whitaker - AZ Auditor General’s Office
         funds, and those that manage these employees.

         Presented By: Joseph Leon - Mesa Public
         Schools, CW Payne - CW Payne Con-
         sulting, David Wood - The Professional
         Group Public Consulting Inc. & Eugene
         Park - Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C.                                                             Page 5
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