Page 7 - 2019 Winter Conference
P. 7
Breakout Session IV
401: Bond & Override Elections - 402: Informal Purchasing Quotes--
What Do I Have to Do? The USFR and YOU
While the public phase of a school district election The USFR within its “Expenditures” section
starts when the Governing Board votes to call for has everything you need to know about
the election, there is often much education, re- how to remain compliant when obtain-
search and planning that takes place before the
Governing Board is ready to consider an Election ing informal quotes. This session will be a
Resolution. Once the election is called, the fun “deep dive” into the USFR quote require-
continues – and you should plan to share the joy! ments. An introduction to “purchasing
Timing and detail are key to proper execution of quotes” and a great review for even the
a school district election. This session will review seasoned veteran of many purchasing skir-
the steps it takes to get from Election Pre-Planning mishes!
to Governing Board Election Resolution to No-
vember Election Day; discuss an array of compli-
ance requirements; share a few strategic tips for Presented By: Laura Szymanoski, CPPB -
capital facilities assessments and voter pamphlet Dysart Unified School District &
preparation; and discuss the various outside pro- Bill Munch CPPO, CPPB - Valley
fessionals available to assist with the process.
Schools Management Group
Presented By: Randie Stein - Stifel,
Nicolaus & Co
404: What Are My Deadlines in 2019?
- Grants Management
403: “All Aboard” Understanding Are you wondering when you should submit your
Arizona Travel Rules Funding Applications, Reimbursement Requests,
and Completion Reports? And what about the
other enhancements that moved over into Grants
Students travel...Board members travel...Em- Management Enterprise (GME) system, such as
ployees travel! Understanding the State rules Planning Tool, General Statement of Assurance
and regulations can be complicated, especially (GSA), Indirect Cost, and Self-Assessment to name
since the rules change frequently. This session a few? Come and join us for a session that will
will review the guidance provided through provide an overview of dates and deadlines to
SAAM and requirements set by local school keep in mind for 2019 calendar year. Three pre-
boards. Specific rules related to rates, advance- senters from Grants Management department’s
ments, and tax implications will be shared. units (Technology, Processing and Fiscal Monitor-
Best practices on managing student travel spe- ing) will be on hand to answer any questions re-
cific to meal allowance rates and chaperone lated to these deadlines, so we can assure your
reimbursements will also be shared. timeliness.
Presented By: Karin Smith - Heinfeld, Presented By: - Katarina Pena,
Meech & Co., P.C. & Michael Vaughn - Denise Lee & Brandy Rodriguez Mejia -
Peoria Unified School District AZ Department of Education Page 7