Page 15 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 15
AFTER-THE-FACT PURCHASE IS A NO-NO One thing that many procurement personnel agree on is that
penalties may and should be higher for the repeat o ender, than
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 the individual who may have created an a er-the-fact purchase for
A er-the-fact purchases are violations of the rules that apply to the rst time.
school district procurement and serious consequences may result Just so that everyone’s clear, individuals who create a er-the-
from a er-the-fact purchases. fact purchases may be required to pay for those unauthorized
If it hasn’t registered yet, a er-the-fact purchases are a de nite purchases. It could also, in more severe cases, create a problem
no-no! (See point 6 under VI-G-1 under the USFR’s) 6. Sequentially with their position or employment at that district, but that again
numbered purchase orders should be prepared and approved by an could be di erent for each individual district based upon policies,
authorized district o cial for all district expenditures before the procedures and protocol.
goods or services are ordered, except for exempted items such as One thing’s for sure, the district that incorporates the sti est
salaries and related costs, utilities, and in-state travel, or when a penalties for a er-the-fact purchases may be the district with the
written contract is prepared. Districts may implement alternative most e ective results and more apt to rid their district of these
procedures for credit card and procurement card purchases (see violations.
page VI-G-16). Sources:
How should someone deal with an a er-the-fact purchase? sites/default/ les/USFR9817.pdf
at depends and would be decided by each individual district and
the policies, procedures or protocol set up within each district. One Gary Barkman, Procurement Specialist Supervisor, Purchasing/
procedure may be to track the a er-the-fact purchase back to the Operations, Mesa Uni ed School District #4, can be reached at
individual who created it. is person may need to be educated (480) 472-6116 or
with the proper policies, procedures and protocol set forth by their
district, but that may not be enough for every district. Bobby Williams II, Procurement Coordinator, Buckeye
What happens to repeat o enders? at too, will depend on Elementary School District #33, can be reached at: Bwilliams2@
the district and the policies, procedures or protocol for that district. or (623) 925-3413.
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