Page 20 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 20


                                             BY DON HARRIS
                                             Monitoring Access Is Vital in

                                             Maintaining Con  dentiality of

                                             a School’s Information System
            Tracy McLaughlin  David Sanders

              Providing and restricting access to a school district computer
            network system revolves around four W’s – who, what, when and   “It provides a catalog of security and privacy
            why.                                                      controls for federal information systems and
              Tracy McLaughlin, Itinerant Business Manager for Maricopa
            County, Kristen Conway, CPA with Heinfeld Meech, and David  organizations to protect organizational operations
            Sanders, Chief Technology O   cer, Mesa Public Schools, gave
            answers to those questions in a breakout session January 31 at   and assets, individuals, other organizations, and
            AASBO’s Winter Conference. Data contained in a district network   the nation from a diverse set of threats including
            covers   nancial, student information, the time clock and Human
            Resources.                                            hostile attacks, natural disasters, structural failures,
                 e three experts also gave attendees a lot to think about, raising
            many other questions. Virtually everything today is electronic,   human errors, and privacy risks.”
                                                                   — David Sanders, Chief Technology Of  cer, Mesa Public Schools
                                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

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                                                                                      National IPA is a proud AASBO Alliance Partner

           20                                                                           THE EDGE              SPRING 2018

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