Page 22 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 22
MAINTAINING CONFIDENTIALITY most responsible when it comes to keeping its data secure, Sanders
said, adding, “ e weakest link is you.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Everyone is responsible for doing what they can to keep their
does it go away? Access to certain information should be removed data secure and con dential. When it comes to who is accountable,
when an employee transfers to another school. Attendees were Sanders said IT and the system owners are. “We need to put up
asked about their system for notifying key people when someone controls,” he said. “We’re going to be the scapegoats.”
leaves their job. For example, how do you let all appropriate people AASBO members were encouraged to obtain a copy of the
know about removing someone’s access? It was also recommend to National Institute for Standards and Technology publication
document when someone’s access is reduced or increased. (NIST sp800-53) – Security and Privacy Controls for Information
Where someone works in a school district can determine access. Systems and Organizations at Sanders said, “It
And regardless where someone works, Sanders recommended provides a catalog of security and privacy controls for federal
locking your computer from prying eyes, even if you leave your information systems and organizations to protect organizational
desk for only 15 minutes. operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the
McLaughlin told of a situation where di erent levels of security nation from a diverse set of threats including hostile attacks,
were provided to multiple assistant superintendents. Apparently natural disasters, structural failures, human errors, and
each of them wanted full access, which was deemed unnecessary. privacy risks. e controls are exible and customizable and
To resolve such issues, McLaughlin recommended getting “the implemented as part of an organization-wide process to manage
right people at the table.” risk.”
e crux of the access issue relates to the “Why” question – data Sanders cautioned that hostile attacks on a computer system are
risk, exposing all of the school district’s information. In some cases, not necessarily from the outside. ey can be from within, he said.
student records have been changed. at’s considered a big deal. Controls need to be exible. “ ey’re not written in stone,”
Data that becomes exposed can be harmful to parents, vendors Sanders said.
and employees, Sanders said. Banks have all sorts of personal e ultimate goal is: “We need to ensure the con dentiality of
information, including Social Security numbers. Banks are the our data.”