Page 27 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 27

                                             Arizona Procurement Records

                                             Retention: New Requirements
            Laura Szymanoski  Bill Munch

              Are you aware that the Arizona State Library,
            Archives  and  Public Records  has  revised
            the General Records Retention Schedule for
            Purchasing and Procurement records as of July
            26, 2017?
              We  were  invited by the  State Library  and
            Archives to serve on a procurement records
            retention committee made up of public
            procurement representatives from school
            districts, the state, cities, and counties. The
            committee  was  facilitated  by  representatives
            from the State Library and Archives. The
            updated retention schedule is the end result of
            the committee’s hard work.
                 e schedule can be found at http://www.
   At this
            webpage you can do a search for “purchasing” to
              nd the Purchasing and Procurement Retention                                              ILLUSTRATION/cherezoff
            Schedule. This new schedule supersedes the             contact either of us or even better here is our contact at the State
            previous schedule dated August 30, 2011.               Library and Archives:
              Please don’t consider the following information as legal advice.
            We forgot to attend law school. It is merely our best practice   Timothy Provenzano
            recommendations based upon our vast number of years and   Records Analyst
            experience in the public procurement community locally and   Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
            nationally.                                              A Division of the O   ce of the Secretary of State
              We believe the single biggest change in the retention schedule   1919 W Je  erson Street
            is the clear delineation that unsuccessful solicitation records   Phoenix, AZ  85009
            only need to be retained for three years a  er contract award.
               e reduced timeframe only pertains to unsuccessful o  ers.   (602) 926-3820
            Refer to the schedule for speci  c requirements for contract and
            agreement records. Your contract   le will include the original
            solicitation that your district issued.    e Retention Schedule   Provenzano played a pivotal role in facilitating the changes to
            also advises regarding to other contract   le contents you should  the retention schedule.  He presented at an AASBO bi-monthly
            include.                                               meeting and the AASBO Vendor/Buyer Conference in January.  We
              Unsuccessful o  ers do not need to be retained as long as the  are grateful for his willingness to work not only with our committee
            rest of the contract   le. A suggested best practice is that you   le  but with school districts and public entities throughout Arizona.
            your unsuccessful o  ers together but separate from the overall  May all your records retention dreams come true.
            bid and contract   le. By doing so you will be able to remove the
            unsuccessful solicitation records from the overall bid and contract  Laura Szymanoski, CPPB is the Purchasing Administrator for Dysart
              le when the e  ective three-year period has expired.  Uni  ed School District and the 2017 Professional Purchasing
              One other change we would like to make you aware of is that the  Manager of the Year for the NIGP Capitol Chapter of Arizona. She
            retention schedule for purchase orders has been moved to Schedule  may be reached at
            GS1017-Finance Records. You will   nd this change noted on the
            Purchasing and Procurement Retention Schedule.         Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance and
              We hope this brief explanation gives you the heads-up for the  Training Of  cer for Valley Schools Management Group and the 2016
            new requirements for purchasing and procurement records. If you  National NIGP Professional Purchasing Manager of the Year. He
            have questions regarding the new retention schedule, you may  may be reached at

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