Page 25 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 25

                            Get Involved – Reject Complacency,

                            Apathy and Carelessness

              In this fast-paced world of ever changing rules and expectations,  to run the day-to-day business at hand and discuss changing our goals if
            do you ever sit back and wonder why we do the things we do in our   they are obsolete or impacting forward movement.
            workplace? Do you   nd you are charging forward and creating new paths   We at  AASBO are  always  double-checking  to  make sure  our
            for change and betterment or do you   nd yourself sitting back doing  conferences and bimonthly meetings are the best and most educational
            things as you have always done them?                   they can be. However, we are always looking for ways to better serve
              Complacency is a challenge facing many in the workplace today. It  our members and our vendors. As your vendor representative, I am
            may not be a result of apathy or carelessness. It may be a result of shear  seeking suggestions for upcoming presentations. We need to hear what
            boredom, contentment in current success or believing in the stale words:  you are interested in and what we can do to e  ectively assist you through
            “We’ve always done it this way, so why change?”        AASBO.
              While many of our business practices are tried and true, there are times   Want to serve on a committee? Serving is a great way to get involved,
            these practices need to be rethought or improved upon. Complacency is a  network and bring new ideas forward. So, in closing, I am asking all
              aw, and if le   unchecked may change the face of our workplace forever.  AASBO vendors to bring it on, get involved and make your ideas the
              Past success is never a guarantee for future success. We must always  best we have ever seen.
            be looking for a better way to do what we do. We need to   nd ways to
            modify behaviors relevant to success, build on past successes and reinvest  Deborah Sandoval, AASBO Vendor Representative, is Director of
            in common goals.                                       Outreach and Education, Mohave Arizona Cooperative Purchasing,
              Speaking of goals, we should look at overall goals and assess if they  and can be reached at:, (602) 277-4290 or cell
            are still relevant. We need to ensure that we always look for better ways  (602) 820-1659.

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