Page 23 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 23


                             BY DON HARRIS
                             Ex-FBI Agent Tells How to Minimize

                             Chances for a Cyber Attack
            Robert Meshinsky
              Cyber security attacks are pervasive and scary, but a former FBI  hacker posing as a delivery person could have instant access. Hackers
            agent o  ered several suggestions on how to prevent bad guys from  are out there scanning networks to see where an opening is. If they get
            hacking your computer – or at least make it more di   cult for them.  into your computer at your desk, they could have access to your entire
              In an entertaining keynote address at AASBO’s Winter Conference  network. Some hackers will spend days, months, even years to get into
            on January 31, Robert Meshinsky delved into the world of cyber crime  a system and exploit it, he said.
            and what to do if you’re hacked. It’s a topic that should concern school   “   ere’s a lot of information there,” Meshinsky said. “   ey will take
            business o   cials and anyone who owns a computer.     advantage of every weakness inside a system. You need a security patch
              Meshinsky, with a resume that includes special FBI agent in Phoenix  on your computer.”
            for 20 years, several private sector security positions and even disk   A patch is a piece of so  ware designed to  update a computer
            jockey, said hacking has been around for a long time.  program and   x security vulnerabilities.
              He de  ned three types of hacking. Traditional hacking, in which   Once you’ve been hacked, you should initiate a cyber recovery plan,
            someone is manipulating technology to make it do something that it is  Meshinsky said. “If you don’t have one, get one, because some day you
            not designed to do. Sinister hacking occurs when someone is breaking  will be compromised. Who is on the recovery team and what are their
            into computers and network systems without permission, usually for  responsibilities?”
              nancial gain.    ere is also ethical hacking, such as using computer    If a school system is hacked, it can a  ect vendors, payroll, teachers
            attack techniques to   nd security   aws with the permission of the  and even student information. You need to know if you are able to
            target owner and the goal of improving the target’s security.  take the infected system o   ine to preserve the evidence. Meshinsky
              Hackers usually do a lot of planning, Meshinsky said. But if you
            leave your desk for a few minutes and leave your computer open, a                     CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

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