Page 19 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 19


                                          BY DON HARRIS

                                          Proposed Changes to School Procurement

                                          Rules Await Board of Education Approval

            Lari Staples   Anita McLemore

              Numerous changes to school district procurement rules   In addition to advertising the notice in “the o   cial newspaper
            proposed by a blue ribbon committee are subject to approval by  of the county” as de  ned in statute, the notice may instead be
            the State Board of Education.                          published in “a newspaper of general circulation.”
                 e last time the rules were fully examined was July 2014 –   Under sections on Notice of Competitive Sealed Bidding (1022)
            20 years a  er the previous changes were made – and committee  and Invitation for Bids (1024), changes propose that a school
            members agreed that they should be reviewed every few years to  district may award multiple contracts with multiple awards to the
            ensure that the changes are mostly tweaks instead of a full-scale  least number of suppliers to meet the district’s needs, which is
            revision. School o   cials are hoping the new changes will be  consistent with State Procurement O   ce requirements.
            approved and in e  ect by July.                          Under sections 1022 and Late Bids, Withdrawals or Modi  cations
                 e proposed changes, many of which are aimed at adjusting  (1044), if the vendor wants documents to be returned the vendor
            various timelines and deadlines, are designed to clarify and improve  must provide funding.
            relations between school districts and vendors. Details of those   For sections on Bid Evaluation and Award (1031), Request for
            changes were explained by Anita McLemore of Mohave Educational  Proposals (1042) and Contract Award (1050), changes are proposed
            Services Cooperative, and Lari Staples, Director of Procurement  to make language more clear and concise – same requirements, just
            & Distribution for Peoria Uni  ed School District, in a breakout  restructured.
            session at AASBO’s Vendor/Buyer Conference on January 30. Both   In the section on Bid Security (1102), the need for a cashier’s
            were members of the committee, along with several other AASBO  check for payment is deleted. It was removed from statute last year.
 Smart  nancing for public education  members and representatives of the Attorney General’s O   ce, the   Procurement  of  Specified  Professional  Services  (1117),  and
                                                                     Under sections on Request for Qualifications (1108),
            Auditor General’s O   ce, and the State Board of Education.
              McLemore explained at the time that it wasn’t too late to suggest  Speci  ed Professional Service Contracts Not Exceeding Certain
            additional proposed changes.                           Amounts (1122), language is clari  ed to state that the number of
              Under section 1001, De  nitions, only three small changes  people on the   nal list of persons to be interviewed can exceed   ve.
 Stifel is proud to o er Arizona school districts comprehensive   are proposed. For example, “design professional services”   On the section for Filing a Protest (1142), a change provides for

  investment banking and  nance consulting services.  means architect services, engineer services, land surveying  steps to be taken when a vendor seeks, in writing, an extension of
            services, geologist services or landscape architect services or any  time to provide additional information sought by the district.
            combination, and the de  nition of design professional services was   Under the section of Stay of Procurements During a Protest
            added.                                                 (1144), language is added that the district representative may stay
              Under section 1002, Applicability, an exemption to the rules was  all or part of the procurement or contract if there is a reasonable
 Bob Casillas  Grant Hamill   Michael LaVallee   added covering the purchase of a fee or license from a local, state  probability that the protest will be upheld or that a stay is
 Managing Director  Managing Director  Managing Director  or federal entity required by law. Staples said they also added to  advantageous to the district.
            the exemption high school textbooks purchased from a publisher,   McLemore said proposed changes are intended to align school
 Bryan Lundberg   Mark Reader   Randie Stein   plus  conference hotels and  airfares that  meet  Department of  purchase rules with the state procurement code. “   ey’re a lot
            Administration general travel principles and policies.
                                                                   cleaner,” she said.
 Managing Director  Managing Director  Director  Even so, school districts need procedures in place so such   Under the section of Decision by a District Representative
            expenditures meet those guidelines. Schools can’t do whatever  (1145), the time for the district to issue a written decision a  er a
            they want to do, and having documentation in place helps, AASBO  protest has been   led is reduced to 14 days from 42 days. Also, the
 Erika Coombs   Sandra Day   members were told.                    time to appeal is extended to 30 days from 14 days, to align with the
              Another exception is the cost of special elections, including  state procurement code.
 Director  Vice President  the preparation of ballots. Also removed are purchases from   Under the section of Appeal to a Hearing O   cer (1147), the

            Arizona Institutes for the Blind, which has been removed from  appeal must be   led within 30 days from the date of the decision,
            state statute.                                         instead of the existing 14 days.
      East Camelback Road, Suite     Under sections on Reverse Auctions (1018), Notice of   McLemore summed up, saying several changes are consistent

 Phoenix, Arizona ­ €‚  Competitive Sealed Bidding (1022), and Material Management and  with the state procurement code. “   ere is nothing major,” she said.
            Disposition (1131), notices that are required to be published in a  “   at’s the big reason we expect approval. We’re still in a holding
                 newspaper need to be advertised only once.        pattern.”

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