Page 21 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 21

MAINTAINING CONFIDENTIALITY                              Under the question of “What” the presenters discussed
                                                                   passwords. Sanders said the policy at Mesa Public Schools is clear:
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20                                 “No passwords are changed or given over the phone.” He said

            and with mobile devices employees have access to an information  teachers would call during the summer asking to change their
            system from just about anywhere, McLaughlin said.      password.
              She tackled the “Who” question: Who gets access to what?   McLaughlin recommended putting a space in a password,
            “You should only have access to what you need to do your job,”  making it more di   cult to crack. Change your password every 60
            she said.                                              days, and you shouldn’t re-use one of your last   ve passwords.
              But, who decides who gets access? It varies from one district to   Sanders asked if any of the attendees has a password policy.
            the next. Some districts give that responsibility to IT, others to the  A few did. He explained that a password with eight characters
            Finance Director or HR. Another question to be dealt with is: How  is “weak” and can be cracked by hackers in a matter of hours. It
            do you decide who has access to   nancial information?  takes   ve days to crack a password with nine characters. With 10
              McLaughlin mentioned the prospect of changing someone’s  characters, it takes four months to crack, and for 12 characters, it
            access when that person changes jobs. She knew of a situation  would take at least 200 years to crack, Sanders said.
            where   ve versions of a speci  c job were found, and HR said they   Conway cautioned against using your birth date. “If a hacker
            were all correct. Not having an updated job description can be a    nds that, they can go in and have access to everything,” she said.
            problem.                                                 People o  en use the same password for access to several
              “When responsibility changes, who changes access?” she asked.  information systems, which is frowned upon because it makes
            “How do you let IT know when changes occur?”           it easier for hackers to crack several systems. Instead of using a
              Conway said she knew of a situation where an employee was  word or collection of characters, attendees were encouraged use
            using the sign-in of a person who had been gone for two years. It’s  a sentence, such as: “My dog likes to run every day.” It’s easy to
            not uncommon for employees to fail to inform IT, for example,  remember, but hard to crack.
            when an employee changes jobs or leaves. Who is the gate-keeper?      e panelists commented on the “When” question, such as:
            Who restricts access?                                  when do you start giving access and even more importantly: when
              Conway noted: “   ere is a di  erence between determining
            access and giving access.”                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

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