Page 26 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 26

             An Update on Grants Management Practices

                 e Arizona Department of Education (ADE) is excited  for our LEAs. Opening the funding applications earlier in the year
            to announce much-needed changes to our internal grants  will provide several helpful bene  ts including:· A streamlined
            management practices that will positively impact nearly every  application process. A consistent schedule for opening funding
            district and charter in Arizona.In an e  ort to modernize processes  applications and awarding grant funds, to provide LEAS with
            and improve alignment to district and charter timelines, most  more proactive planning opportunities, and to ensure funding to
                                    ADE funding applications opened  LEAs can occur as early as July.
                                       March 1. For many grants,     Superintendent Douglas strongly believes that providing LEAs
                                         this is the earliest that  access to grant funds earlier in the year will lead to more opportunities
                                           funding applications  for e  ective planning and greater support for our students.
                                            have ever been made         e Arizona Department of Education recognizes this is
                                             available by ADE.  going to be a tremendous shi   in grants management practices;
                                             Under the leadership of  however we want to assure LEAs that ADE sta   is eager and
                                             Superintendent Diane  prepared to assist them throughout this transition.
                                             Douglas, ADE has been
                                            streamlining the grants  Sarah Hendrix, Director of Grants Management Technology, Arizona
                                            management practices  Department. of Education, can be reached at: Sarah.hendrix@azed.
                                          over the past year to make  gov or (602) 364-4382. Grants Management Hotline: (602) 542-
                                         positive and e  ective changes  3901. Email:

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           26                                                                           THE EDGE              SPRING 2018
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