Page 17 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 17


            BY DON HARRIS
            A Rotation Schedule Works for Items Purchased on a Regular Basis

              Purchases of copiers, computers and uniforms dominate
            how school districts utilize rotation schedules, according to
            a panel of experts at AASBO’s Vendor/Buyer Conference
            on January 30.
              Basically, a rotation schedule is a purchasing schedule
            used for   xed assets that are bought by school districts on
            a repetitive cycle. In addition to copiers, computers and
            athletic and performing arts uniforms, other rotation items
            include buses and HVAC units.
                 e panel of purchasing experts, moderated by Anita
            McLemore with Mohave Educational Services Cooperative,
            included Cheryl Burt, Tolleson Union High School District;  Anita McLemore  Kevin Startt  Cheryl Burt  Lila McCleery
            Lila McCleery, Phoenix Union High School District;       Regarding copiers, Reynolds recommended tracking the
            Michelle Reynolds, Dysart Uni  ed School District; and Kevin Startt,   manufacturer’s information, where the copier is located, how o  en it is
            Tucson Uni  ed School District.                        used, the date it was installed, and the manufacturer’s expected lifetime
              McLemore asked the panel: “When is a rotation schedule practical or   usage. You know copiers should be rotated every   ve years, but you can
            bene  cial?”                                           keep them a little longer, if necessary, Reynolds said.
              Several members of the panel agreed that rotation schedules work   Startt said it’s important to keep the end user and the Finance people
            when having capital is available for such purchases. “   at’s a big factor,”   involved and aware.
            Startt said.                                             Reynolds said she knew of a situation where the end user was happy
              McCleery said having a rotation schedule helps deal with wear and tear   with the old copier and didn’t want a new one. But she noted that a  er
            of equipment and other items. “You have to have some type of rotation   seven years it’s di   cult to   nd parts for copiers that old.
            schedule in place to keep functioning. You can use it for accounting and      e next question from McLemore: “What are some of the bene  ts of
            planning. We know that every   ve years we will need new copiers.”  having a rotation schedule?”
              Having capital dollars is essential for repetitive purchases, the panelists   Reynolds said it helps with budgeting, knowing that an item needs to
            agreed.                                                be replaced in 2023, for example. You have the data necessary to justify a
              Startt added that if you’re making purchases for multiple sites, a   replacement.
            rotation schedule shows that you’ve allocated limited dollars appropriately.  Startt said: “A bene  t is having a record and to be able to show that
              McLemore’s next question: “What type of commodities are generally   you’re using the resources of the district equitably. You’re able to show
            found on a rotation schedule?”                         that certain schools aren’t being favored over another site. Transparency
              Copiers and uniforms were mentioned the  most.  And because   is important.”
            computers are a very high dollar item, they too are included on rotation   Having a permanent record is also important. Burt explained: “When
            schedules. Also mentioned was a rubberized track that needs to be   the community asks why you need an override, you’re able to show that
            resurfaced every seven or eight years. In school districts where bonds and   we have been   scally responsible.”
            budget overrides have been approved, rotation schedules may be easier   It was noted that sometimes a rotation schedule will even drive the
            to administer.                                         budget process so that money is likely to become available when needed.
              McLemore then asked: “How do you develop and maintain a rotation   McLemore then asked: “What advice would you provide to someone
            schedule?”                                             who would like to develop a rotation schedule?”
              For example, McCleery said her district has a set dollar amount for   Startt responded: “Start with a simple process. A lot of people want to
            new copiers. But replacing copies doesn’t necessarily mean they are no  get so much data on a rotation schedule. Since you have multiple people
            longer useful. Some of them may be moved from high volume use to low  involved, make it easy to understand.”
            volume use. Copies that are not functioning well at all are replaced. “We   McCleery recommended collaborating with end users to get their
            determine what they’re capable of,” she said.          buy-in and support.
              With athletic uniforms, Phoenix Union is on a two-year rotation   McLemore told of a situation where a club was allowed to purchase
            schedule.    e varsity team gets new uniforms every two years, and the  uniforms for cheerleaders.    e uniforms were of such poor quality that
            varsity uniforms are then passed down to the junior varsity and then to  they didn’t last. It’s essential for the district to take over a rotation schedule,
            the freshmen.                                          she said.
              Some districts check to see how other districts are handling the   McLemore also recalled a time when a school district allowed a coach
            purchase of uniforms for athletic teams and bands and what they’re  to pick the style of a uniform. One year they had beautiful so  ball uniforms
            paying. At least one district was on a three-year schedule, but went to a  in gold and maroon. But a representative of the Arizona Interscholastic
            four-year rotation when money was really tight, and now is back to three  Association complained. He said they needed to have contrasting colors.
            years.                                                   “Who knew gold and maroon weren’t contrasting colors?” McLemore
              McCleery o  ered a note of caution. Styles change, she said, adding: “If  said.
            you’re going longer than a three-year rotation, styles are discontinued. If      e school worked with the vendor to get the uniforms re-lettered and
            you’re in the fourth or     h year, uniforms are hard to match.”  the AIA was satis  ed.

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