Page 14 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 14


                          BY GARY BARKMAN, ACBS, NIGP-CPP, CPPB
                          Best Practices for Contract

                          Management Considerations
        Gary Barkman

        This is a topic I receive several questions about,  Contract  Type  and  Developing  the  Contract  and
        when it comes to working with individual district  lastly, Monitoring the Performance.
        contracts or cooperative contracts.
                                                                The above cycle is just one example or interpretation
        “What are some best practices for managing  of the steps involved with managing a contract, so
        the  contract?”  “How  do  I  know  if  the  contract  let’s look at the first step, “Analysis.” I believe it’s a
        is  working  correctly  or  not?”  “Who  should  be  good idea to always consider contract management
        managing  the  contract?”  “Where  do  I  start  with  during  the  analysis  stage,  so  that  those  involved
        managing the contract?”  These are just a few of  with  monitoring  the  performance  have  a  basic
        the questions received when it comes to contract  idea of how the contract is going to work and what
        management.                                             the suppliers are responsible for. Remember, you
                                                                control the contract, how it works, the steps to be
        Let’s face it, contract management is not a topic  considered, when monitoring the performance of
        that’s often discussed but always ends up being a  the  contract,  so  why  not  include  “user  friendly”
        topic requested for future conferences or bi-monthly  steps that exemplify efficiency for monitoring the
        meetings, so let’s get some basics out of the way.  contract performance.  Most contracts that fail do
        I’ll  be  the  first  to  acknowledge  that  “contract  so because thought was not given to this part of
        management” is an area where procurement people  the process.
        fall short, so to speak, when it comes to using the
        contract.  Having  said  that,  I  would  add  that,  if  If you’ve included everything needed to assist you
        done correctly, contract management should be a  in getting from point “A” to point “B” with the
        great tool to help gauge the success of the contract  least amount of resistance, you should have some
        or discover the flaws embedded in your contract  form  of  a  viable  contract.  The  reason  is  simple.
        or a contract you’re utilizing.                         You  have  developed  a  guideline  that  considered
                                                                “contract management” in the beginning stage.
        First  off,  people  need  to  realize  that  we  really
        shouldn’t  wait  until  the  contract  is  awarded  The other steps to the contract management cycle
        to consider the “contract management” piece.  are  just  as  important,  but  now  you’ve  developed

        Contract management should be considered right  a guideline that has considered this process from
        up  front  when  procurement  does  the  statistical  the onset and monitoring performance should run
        analysis of the contract – here’s how it works.         a bit smoother.

        One  piece  to  the  procurement  puzzle  is  the  Specifying the need and identifying contract
        “Contract Management Cycle,” which should look  risks  and  goals  would  be  specific  to  the  agency
        something like this: Analysis, Specifying the Need,  or agencies writing the contract, but some great
        Identify the Contract Risks and Goals, selecting a  starter questions to consider may be the following:

        14                                                                          THE EDGE   WINTER 2022-2023
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