Page 18 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 18

Food costs soar, but here is how schools can maintain child nutrition programs


        Excitingly, some help has already come through an       partnered  with  the  Arizona  Food  Bank  Network
        initiative from former State Superintendent of Public   on a grant to increase outreach to school nutrition
        Instruction  Kathy  Hoffman.  The  reduced-price        programs.  Working  with  No  Kid  Hungry,  Debbie
        category  fee  will  be  covered  with  pandemic  relief   McCarron  and  I  have  been  working  with  schools
        funds from January 2023 through the 23-24 school        to  increase  National  School  Lunch  Program  meal
        year. This will likely increase participation of students   participation. If you have a school in your district
        who are within this category by removing the cost       that could use our skills and expertise, the grant is
        barrier, benefiting thousands of families in Arizona.   funded through June 2023, and there is no charge for
        Communicating this change to families and students      our services. We know a child distracted by hunger
        will be crucial to ensuring this financial relief will be   cannot  focus  on  learning,  and  we’re  here  to  help
        fully utilized.                                         schools meet their students’ nutritional needs!

        Further,  No  Kid  Hungry  saw  the  need  to  increase
        school  meal  participation  in  both  charter  and     Kathy Glindmeier, a Child Nutrition  Consultant  with  Arizona
        traditional schools in 2021. To address the need they   Food Bank Network, can be reached at:
               AASBO-EDGE Magazine-Tolin Mechanical-Print Ad-Quarter Page-Jan2022_press-quality.pdf   1   12/31/2021   4:32:18 PM

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        18                                                                          THE EDGE   WINTER 2022-2023
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