Page 22 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 22

Tips for Creating Your Internal Procedure Documents


        What are the relevant statutory references, and/       The  next  most  important  step  after  creating  a
        or  references  to  district  policy,  USFR,  etc?     procedures document is to maintain it and keep
        Where are important files located? Who do you          it current. Store the document(s) in a logical and
        contact for help? What/where are the resources         accessible location. Give yourself permission to
        for the task? Does someone need to know when           spend time on updates. It is far less daunting to

        a task is completed? Who should be notified if         make  small,  frequent  updates  than  to  tackle  an
        something goes wrong? What are the commonly            infrequent  overhaul.  A  procedure  document  is
        used  websites?  What  is  the  estimated  time  to    ever changing and never perfect. Good luck!
        complete? (This one is helpful for tasks that seem
        simple to complete but actually take a long time,      Lisa Smith,  Accounting  Analyst for Dysart Unified School
        or vice versa.) When/why did a process change?         District, can be reached at
        What are the questions that people frequently ask
        you, and what are the answers to those questions?
        What  are  the  unusual/infrequent  situations  and
        the  resolutions  of  those  situations  that  you  are
        not likely to remember one or more years from
        now but will wish you had?

           Gust Rosenfeld P.L.C. is pleased to announce

           the addition of seven attorneys formerly of Hu  ord,

           Horstman, Mongini, Parnell & Tucker, P.C.

           to its team of attorneys, practicing all aspects of

           education law and public law.

             .   .       ■         .      ■  R      . R      
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, W    
    , L   V    , L   A
     , A             D

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