Page 21 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 21


                          BY LISA SMITH, CPA
                          Tips for Creating Your Internal

                          Procedure Documents
        Lisa Smith

        Procedure documents are a powerful resource for  document the broad list of steps taken to complete
        you and your organization.                              those  tasks.  These  two  steps  alone  provide  a
                                                                valuable compass for you and your organization.
        For  new staff, procedure  documents can  From  here  you  will  just  continue  to  elaborate.
        dramatically  boost  productivity  during  those  Create checklists for more detail. Over time you
        early months of learning a new job. They preserve  can add narrative descriptions for the steps in the
        the  institutional  knowledge  that  is  so  often  lost  checklists. Use screenshots for clarity and visual
        during times of transition.                             reassurance  along  the  way.  Your  simple  list  of
                                                                tasks will quickly grow into detailed procedures.
        For  existing  staff,  documented  procedures
        minimize the need for memorization and thereby  Any  additional  content  depends  on  your
        reduce  the  risk  of  error  and  oversight,  as  well  organization,  position,  and  personal  preference/
        as  create  a  path  for  consistency  of  tasks  over  a  style.  Some  questions  to  consider  for  possible
        period  of  time.  They  help  accomplish  critical  inclusion in your procedures document are:
        functions during a short-term absence, and allow
        for  operational  continuity  during  long-term

        One barrier to documenting procedures
        is  that  it  can  feel  overwhelming.  A
        comprehensive  procedure  document
        takes  time  to  develop.  Unless  you
        absolutely have to create something
        comprehensive in a short amount
        of time, tackle this project in little
        sections at a time. Start with the
        functions that are critical to day-
        to-day operations or those that
        are evaluated for compliance, and
        then move on from there.

        If  you  are  starting  from
        nothing, create a high-level list
        of tasks that you perform. Then

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