Page 24 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 24
What’s Cooking in School Lunch Programs
Rick Hall
Nutrition Association of Arizona (SNAAZ) had and retention practices. The next presentation will
its annual conference in late September’ It was be a two-part presentation on successful school
a rousing success. A total of 138 exhibit booths gardens, with the first part focusing on building
were sold and our industry partners were excited a good foundation and the second part on how to
to meet in person again. Many new faces made sustain your project.
this year’s event even more memorable.
This change in Food Service presenting in
An impressive 640 attendees showed that there AASBO conferences is the result of minimal
is strength in numbers and Child Nutrition interest from Food Service professionals in our
professionals are embracing the future. Educational Spring Conference in Laughlin. Food Service
sessions were back in full swing with fresh and employees attend their own conferences around
innovating lessons for foodservice professionals that time that include; January’s National School
to continue their professional development. Many Nutrition Industry Conference in San Diego;
of these sessions were offered in both Spanish February’s Professional Growth Conference in
and English. Flagstaff, and March’s Arizona’s School Nutrition
Industry Conference in Tucson. We are hoping this
Food Service is happy to now present at AASBO’s change will elevate the interests for Food Service
Winter Conference on Audit and Compliance. personnel in AASBO and our conferences.
This year, we will be presenting on a couple hot
topics to help provide some solutions to some Many schools in Arizona are doing some great
common issues. The first session will provide things. Please check out some of these cool things
some insight to some time-tested employee hiring in their social media pages.
24 THE EDGE WINTER 2022-2023