Page 17 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 17
Food Costs Soar, But Here Is How Schools Can
Maintain Child Nutrition Programs
Kathy Glindmeier
Arizona’s minimum wage increased to $13.85 per hour difficult to collect income applications this year and
effective January 1, 2023. The impact of this increase parent confusion has led to more school meal debt.
is being felt in child nutrition programs across the
state and ultimately can impact Title funding. With The third area is the USDA meal reimbursements
an increase in wages for working families, the impact that have not kept up with food inflation. Arizona has
will be seen in community-eligibility program (CEP) one of the highest rates of food inflation, with food
districts and in at-risk funding in non-CEP districts. costs up 10% over last year. In contrast, the income
What can school business managers do to support guidelines for free and reduced, typically tied to the
their child nutrition programs and continue to have consumer price index, increased by less than half of
financially stable programs? the rate of inflation. This resulted in more families
with income above the guidelines, but who do not
The solution to shoring up your child nutrition have money to purchase meals for their children.
program needs to focus on three key areas. The first
is staffing. Many district child nutrition programs At this point you may think there is very little that
opened 40% down on staffing. The lack of staffing can be done, but there is hope if we work together.
combined with the need to offer robust, healthy One way to increase child nutrition revenue is to
menus to attract paid students has been a heavy add alternative breakfast programs (in the hallway
burden on these programs. Morale is a big issue, but or classroom). Business managers can support the
the positive recognition food service staff received implementation of these programs on a pilot basis.
during the lockdown has receded as schools go Research has shown that students eating breakfast
back to “business as usual.” Competition with the have fewer absences and tardiness, along with
restaurant industry has added to the difficulty of higher math scores. In schools with over 50% free
recruiting people for short-hour, nine-month jobs. and reduced, supper meals can be a good source of
nutrition for students and generate extra revenue.
The second challenging area for child nutrition If you would like to pilot a supper program but
programs is financial. Typically, child nutrition don’t currently have the staff, programs such as St.
programs are self-supporting, and many districts pay Mary’s Food Bank Kid’s Cafe and other Child and
indirect costs. This will become increasingly more Adult Care Food Program sponsors can help you
difficult with rising food and labor costs. Food costs serve supper meals across the state. Additional areas
are running 15% to 30% higher than last year while to support efforts include revamping service lines
there has been a decrease in the rate of reimbursement. and technology to allow students to get through the
Many school districts continued to collect free and lunch line faster and have more time to eat. As well,
reduced applications during the pandemic, but extending Summer Food Service Program operation
parents and students became accustomed to free times and dates or adding locations helps reach more
meals for all over the past two years. It was more families when school is out of session.