Page 15 - AASBO EDGE Winter 2023
P. 15

Empower your female workforce through
            this series of workshops that will help
            them spend, budget and save wisely.

             •  Financial Success for

             •  Women and Retirement

             •  The Importance of Life
                 Insurance for Women

         Contact your Horace Mann representative or scan  to get this workshop
         series scheduled in your schools.

         Horace Mann Service Corporation and certain of its affiliates (Horace Mann) enter into agreements with educational associations where Horace Mann pays the association to provide services aimed at
         familiarizing association members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services. For more information, email your inquiry to
         AM-C04699 (Oct. 22)                                                                

     “What is the contract for?” “What items/services        contract  in  the  manner  it  was  written.  You’ve
     am  I  trying  to  obtain?”  “What  does  the  market   included the steps that should yield the best results
     look like for these items/services?” “What kind of      of this contract and any hiccups that occur should
     risks  are  involved  and  what  do  they  look  like?”   be noted ON PAPER and put in the procurement
     “What  needs  to  be  considered  for  minimizing       file for future consideration. Keeping good notes
     risks?”  “What’s  the  goal  or  what  am  I  trying  to   as you monitor the performance of your contract
     obtain from this contract?”                             is vital to help develop better contracts, so don’t
                                                             leave this step out.
     Once you’ve established all the above, it’s time to
     put  pen  to  paper  to  select  the  contract  type  and   Let me end by simply reminding you that nothing
     develop  the  contract  but  realistically,  you  should   in  this  article  is  meant  to  be  construed  as  legal
     have already considered the contract type, during       advice but rather best practice recommendations,
     the  analysis  stage.  You  may  have  considered  the   based on my experience as a buyer for Mesa Public
     options, (IFB, RFP, RFQu, etc.) to decide what’s        Schools!
     best for your agency and for implementing the steps
     outlined in the guideline of your analysis stage.       Gary Barkman, Mesa Public Schools, can be reached at:
     Now,  the  only  thing  left  is  monitoring  the
     performance  of  the  contract  and  because  you’ve
     done  all  the  above,  you’re  ready  to  monitor  the

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