Page 5 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 5


                            BY JILL BARRAGAN

                            Remembrances and Re  ections

              As I write this article, it is the time of year where the summer  followed by contracts, AZMerit, the end of the school year — and
            conference has just ended and we are gearing up for the start of another  then another summer conference is upon us.
            school year. And, as I re  ect on a truly incredible time together in   Yes, each year   ies by faster and faster, as we o  en concur when
            Tucson, most salient to me is the gratitude I have for everyone who  catching up with folks at the start of each year. However, we know
            participated in the conference in any way: track chairs, session  there is so much more that happens between all of these milestones
            speakers, keynote speakers, special guests, conference attendees,  in the annual cycle.    ings other than those we see as “musts” to
            AASBO sta  , and others. It truly takes all of us to make a   check o   our to-do lists. So I ask you to remember and
            conference come together and be successful.                           re  ect on those things, too.
              Sadly, the world around me continues to                                   Remember the celebrations of our school
            move at a hectic pace, so I don’t have                                        sites for excellent AZMerit scores.
            the luxury of lingering long on the                                             Reflect on how well your audit
            conference or the satisfaction I                                                   went last year. Remember the
            feel in having the planning,                                                         celebration of years of service
            preparation and execution                                                             for you or your fellow
            of that huge event                                                                      employees. Remember
            behind me and under                                                                      how many incredible
            my belt. No, because                                                                      students your district
            what comes next  is                                                                        promoted to ninth
            perhaps the most                                                                            grade or graduated
            important time                                                                              from high school.
            of any year in                                                                              Reflect on the
            every district and                                                                           fact that they
            charter across                                                                               are  our   next
            this great state.                                                                            generation who
            Supply ordering                                                                             will  do  incredible
            has ramped up,                                                                              things beyond our
            school renovations                                                                          imagining,   and
            are  being  worked                                                                         remember that you
            on around the clock,                                                                      played some part
            cleaning up after                                                                         in that. Reflect and
            the latest monsoon                                                                      remember why you do
            is ongoing,  student                                                                   what you do on a daily
            registrations are coming                                                              basis for your district.    ose
            in at a feverish pace, emails                                                       are the remembrances and
              y back and forth, etc. All in an                                                re  ections that will put a smile on
            e  ort to ensure everything is perfect                                         our faces and get us through this day
            for the students who are arriving daily –                                   and on to the next one. It’s not the annual
            and none of us has a moment to scarf down                               cycle that keeps us going, rather, it’s everything
            our egg salad sandwich.                                            that happens in between those milestones.
              Nonetheless, I will pause just a moment to savor this special   I’d like to pose a small challenge to each of you. At the next bi-
            window of time. I am keenly aware of being smack dab between  monthly, I ask that you stop me and share one of those things that’s
            conference completion and the start of the school year. A moment  not on your checklist or part of the cycle. Share with me what keeps
            in time of our continuous annual cycle — a cycle which next brings  you coming back each day, working and   ghting hard for the best
            audit, then AFR, the November elections, budget revision, then  interests of our amazing students. I can’t wait to hear what you all
            the next legislative session (I predict we’ll have another big year),  have to share.

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