Page 7 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 7
Seems Like We’re Heading in the Right Direction
– Just Follow the Arizona Constitution
One of the interesting aspects of living in the great state of the school. For almost a quarter of a century, Mrs. Christy operated
Arizona is the fascinating history of how the state evolved and how the school, nally selling it in 1928 when her husband passed
certain institutions came to be. e Arizona Constitution states: away. It makes one wonder what we could accomplish if we could
“ e university and all other state educational institutions shall only simplify the lo y, yet o entimes messy and di cult, notion
be open to students of both sexes, and the instruction furnished of providing a quality education for every child in Arizona into
shall be as nearly free as possible. e legislature shall provide an attractive and popular institution like Mrs. Christy’s School of
for a system of common schools by which a free school shall be Music.
established and maintained in every school district for at least Granted, we lately do seem to be heading in the right direction.
six months in each year, which school shall be open to all pupils It is with this challenge and optimism in mind that we can happily
between the ages of six and twenty-one years.” report another successful conclusion of an AASBO Annual
Seems simple enough, right? Yet these words – and the whole Conference and Exposition, and one that managed to avoid sti ing
host of other sections of Article 11 of the Arizona Constitution – heat, earth-moving oods, and torrential rains to boot!
have engendered confusion, heated debate and numerous lawsuits I would like to thank our outstanding Committee Chair Jill
over the years that continue to this day. Interesting that around Barragan for providing a clear and positive vision for this year’s
the same time that 52 men were coming up with this language, conference, and of course a huge thank you is due to Ana, Audrey,
apparently without much debate, in the early 1900s, one woman Chuck, Anabel and Je for providing the outstanding foundation
named Abilena Creighton Christy was opening the Arizona School on which we build this event. From welcoming the Governor for
Mohave Cooperative is there for you as this new of Music on Central Avenue just north of Van Buren in Phoenix. the ceremonial bill-signing to a remarkable tribute to Senator John
As reported in an Arizona Capitol Times article from 1986, the McCain, this year’s conference was a celebration and recognition
school year begins. Arizona School of Music was one of the few cultural centers in a city for all of our members who have answered the “Call of Duty” to
that was otherwise just a raw Western town. It opened with only six support public education.
students, yet nevertheless ourished, had a 500-seat auditorium for We look forward to a new year working with our new and
concerts and recitals, and managed to attract a world-class faculty returning Board members as we continue to construct and renovate
With over 45 years of compliant contracting of 16 full-time musicians and actors who taught and performed at our educational institutions in Arizona.
experience we offer 230 contracts ready for use.
Seems simple enough, right?
Mohave – Yet these words – and
Contracts you the whole host of other
sections of Article 11 of
can trust. the Arizona Constitution –
have engendered confusion,
heated debate and numerous
Kingman 928-753-6945 lawsuits over the years that
Phoenix 602-277-4290 continue to this day.
Tucson 520-888-9664
7 7