Page 16 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 16

survivor tells His Harrowing tale                         People ask him, somewhat hesitatingly, what is it like to kill
                                                               someone. His response: “You get to the point where it’s either
        Continued from page 14                                 you or them.”
                                                                  His advice to AASBO members: “Never give up. Always
           The attackers were firing high-powered weapons that were  have some kind of hope. Sometimes you can make a friend
        snapping two-by-fours in pieces. “We tried to get the State  for yourself by picking someone else up. No matter how bad
        Department guy out,” Paronto said. “We were taking fire.”  something seems, you can find humor in anything. Faith will
           Explosions lit up the night sky for some 35 to 40 minutes.   increase your luck. Whatever you try to accomplish, never
        The ambassador was in a building that was on fire. “We had  give up.”
        to suck it up and go in there,” Paronto said. “We signed up for   Immediately after his presentation, AASBO members lined
        this. But the ambassador was dead.”                    up for more than an hour to purchase his book, “13 Hours in
           One of the team members was in shock. “He never gave  Benghazi,” and have him autograph it.
        up, but he was scarred for life,” Paronto said. “I kept thinking,
        ‘How blessed am I to be with these guys.’ That’s what I’m  Kris Paronto can be reached at:
        thinking.”                                             KrisParonto13/
           Paronto vividly described the battle, sometimes in a hushed
        tone. There were moments when he didn’t know if someone
        was a friend or foe. His attitude at the time: “If I go down, I’m
        taking someone with me.”                                  “Never give up. Always have some kind of
           “There was an explosion,” he said. “Boom, it knocks me
        down.”                                                   hope. Sometimes you can make a friend for
           When a rescue team arrived the next day, Paronto said he   yourself by picking someone else up. No
        wondered: “Where were you guys at 9:30 last night?”
           Paronto was one of three Americans who got out of      matter how bad something seems, you can
        Benghazi unscathed. The next day they were in Germany.
           “Leaders make decisions,” Paronto told his AASBO       find humor in anything. Faith will increase
        audience.  “The worst thing for a leader is to make no decision.   your luck. Whatever you try to accomplish,
        Whether it’s right or wrong, make a decision.”
           He recalled a decision that was made to leave a fallen                never give up.”
        comrade behind – a decision that still haunts him.                        Kris “Tanto” Paronto

              According  to  Wikipedia,  the  2012  Benghazi      At around 4 a.m. on September 12, the
           attack was a coordinated attack against two United  group launched a mortar attack against a CIA
           States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, by  annex approximately one-mile away, killing CIA
           members of the Islamic militant group Ansar al-     contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty
           Sharia.                                             and wounding ten others. At the behest of the CIA,
              At  9:40  p.m.,  September  11,  members  of  top U.S. officials initially described the attacks as
           Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic  the results of a spontaneous protest triggered by a

           compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of  recently released anti-Muslim video, “Innocence of
           U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens  Muslims.” Subsequent investigations showed that
           and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management  the attack was premeditated – although rioters and
           Officer Sean Smith. Stevens was the first U.S.  looters not originally part of the group may have
           ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979.[8]  joined in after the attacks began.

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