Page 21 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 21
Response Plan Can Ease Pain
Continued from page 20
“Think through the roles of the
• And in Florida, two students stole a password from a people who are going to be part
teacher’s computer, broke into the school’s server and started
charging $5 to change other students’ grades. Unks remarked: of that team. A CIRP is necessary
“They were industrious students.”
She emphasized: “These are real high-tech horror stories, because it can turn chaos into
and while the culprits were all caught and punished, the
damage was done — both in actual loss or abuse of school structure. A CIRP provides a
data and in damage to the reputation of the school district and documented, step-by-step
their leadership. A CIRP (Cyber Incident Response Plan) can
be very helpful because in the moments following discovery of process to manage through an
an incident, it can be difficult to identify who is in charge and
what should be done.” incident. The Trust can help you
Having seen what happens after a cyber attack, she said,
“You need an organizational chart to know who does what. get through it by turning chaos
Having an incident response plan can help prevent data loss as
well as significant fines and costly public backlash.” into proactive action.”
The Trust has put together a CIRP Guide and Workbook that
complement each other and help schools create their own plan. — Ted LeSueur, Chief Information Security Officer,
Arizona School Risk Retention Trust
Continued on page 22
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FALL 2018 | THE EDGE 21